Anger is a natural feeling. We experience it from time to time, like when we someone accidentally spills coffee in our clothes, when traffic makes us late for work again, or when we are unable to reach our target at a specified time. But when uncontrolled, anger can be destructive. No matter how minor the cause is, when we are unable to manage anger, it can
Excessive crying in babies is a concern affecting one in five families. Not only does it cause pain to the baby, it also brings serious stress to the parents. Good thing, families can try an alternative approach to helping parents address colic.
Such approach – acupuncture - is widely utilized for many other health concerns. It is associated wi
New research shows that years of bilingualism change how the brain carries out tasks that require concentrating on one piece of information without becoming distracted by other information. This ability makes their brain more efficient and economical with its resources, and could slash the risk of debilitating mental health problems, including dementia.
Whenever negative emotions fire at you, what do you do? Do you just ignore them until they go away? Do you shift your focus on something else? Do you lash out on others? Or do you choose to contain them for as long as you can?
Emotional suppression is what many people choose as a coping strategy when they are confronted with anger, sadness, fear, worr
As we approach another year, many of us are starting to think about losing weight as their New Year’s resolution. But how do we make sure that we keep the fats off all year round? How do we stick to a healthier and fitter lifestyle? Check out the following habits to avoid:
Losing weight to please others.
Your motivation to lose weight should be
Intermittent fasting has been a subject of scientific research for the past years. It is linked to several health benefits, including weight loss, lower diabetes risk, and more importantly - longevity. But the list doesn’t seem to end there. Just recently, scientists have found that intermittent fasting inhibits the development and progression of the m
Every woman goes through that time of the month that is usually filled with pain, anxiety, and discomfort. It’s a girl thing and too often, a real issue that many women find hard to handle. Some experience extreme mood swings while others go through terrible anxiety over menstrual pain.
While menstrual pain may be something that is natural for some, r
Women are generally more vulnerable to cigarette-related cancer than men even if they don’t smoke, according to new research.
The study, by the University of Toronto, marks a milestone in understanding the staggering rates of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) in women. This disease describes a group of lung conditions that make it difficul
According to the latest research, heavy alcohol use during adolescence results to less gray matter - the area in the brain that aids in memory, decision-making, and self-control.
Binge drinking is a major concern in the UK, particularly among the younger population. In fact, in 2007, British teenagers were found to be the third worst binge drinkers in
It’s the season to be jolly. But it could also be a time to be totally stressed. The events here and there, lots of preparations, gift-giving, and finances getting out of whacked - all these can be overwhelming.
So here are some great tips to keep your emotional, mental and physical health on check as you deal with the Holiday stress this year: