Yoga for Better Anger Management
Anger is a natural feeling. We experience it from time to time, like when we someone accidentally spills coffee in our clothes, when traffic makes us late for work again, or when we are unable to reach our target at a specified time. But when uncontrolled, anger can be destructive. No matter how minor the cause is, when we are unable to manage anger, it can take a huge toll on our relationships, health, and every aspect of our life.
There are many techniques in managing anger. And one of the most effective ones is yoga. While it doesn’t directly impact your anger or minimise the cause of it, practising yoga is a great way to de-stress and relax your mind and body – putting you in a better position to control and respond to your anger effectively. Here’s how:
Yoga makes it easy for you to focus on the present. When you are angry, it’s really difficult to stay grounded and focus on the present moment. Most of the time, you are absorbed in your thoughts – the negative ones that fuel your anger even more. An integral part of yoga practice is mindfulness. During your yoga practice, you learn how to shift your attention from rumination to your breathing and to your other bodily senses. Mastering mindfulness takes time. But as you continue doing yoga, you will find it much easier. You will also realise how powerful this tool is in managing not just anger but other negative emotions.
It de-stresses you. Stress and anger usually go hand in hand. When you are stressed, the easier you get angry – even petty nuisances can make your burst in anger. Similarly, when you are angry, the more stressed your body gets. Anger is such a strong emotion that can sap your energy, leaving you feeling fatigued after. Yoga is well-known for being a useful technique to alleviate stress. When you are less stressed, you are able to handle anger more effectively and rationally.
It makes you feel good. It’s hard to burst in anger when you are feeling generally good. Yoga not only stretches your muscles. It also boosts blood flow all over your body, and stimulates the production of ‘endorphins’ – the ‘feel good’ hormones. At the same time, yoga helps you develop a more positive perspective. As you go along, you will find that you get mad less often. Instead, you become more understanding, compassionate, and forgiving.
Practising yoga regularly will go a long way towards helping you manage anger. You need not go to a class to practise basic yoga, but you may find it helpful in order to learn more advanced poses or get started, if you haven’t tried yoga ever before. It can also help in managing anger if you are feeling the support of the group when practicing yoga. You may also want to keep a ‘yoga journal’ so you can keep track of your progress, the poses which are most effective for you, and your frustrations during each practice. This way, you can have a more meaningful practice the next time.
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