More than Words: The Surprising Benefits of Physical Affection

Lisa Franchi September 30, 2013

When it comes to love and affection, showing it matters more than just saying it. Kissing your spouse before heading to work, hugging and cuddling your baby, embracing your son or daughter for their accomplishments, or rubbing a weeping friend’s back – all these are physical forms of affection that can promote your health and well-being. Here ar

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Want to Avoid Bad Dreams? 9 Things to Watch Out

Amy Taylor September 30, 2013

What if you can control what you dream? What if you can avoid getting nightmares and get more of pleasant and motivating dreams? Looks like, you can. By learning the major factors that influence sleep, you can do something to lower your chances of having a bad dream, and experience a deep, restful and rejuvenating slumber. When our body is at sleep, it does

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How Mindfulness Makes You a Better Parent

Lisa Franchi September 27, 2013

Having a child isn’t a walk in the park. In fact, many couples experience problems finding balance in their relationship and parenting responsibilities. Although becoming a parent is one of the most rewarding things one could ever experience, it can also stir up all sorts of issues. This isn’t surprising because couples are usually tired, anxious

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Study shows maths experts are ’made, not born’

Rebecca Lewis September 27, 2013

It’s true – experts are made, not born. That’s according to a new study which found that some calculation abilities are a matter of practice. Neuroscientists at University of Sussex took fMRI scans of Yusnier Viera, ‘mental calculator’ champion whilst he performs arithmetical tasks that were either familiar or unfamiliar to hi

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Statins May Not Be Good for Your Memory, Study Suggests

Sharon Moore September 27, 2013

For the first time, research has backed the anecdotal evidence that statins – drugs taken to lower cholesterol, may affect memory. Published in the journal PloS One, scientists from the University of Bristol found a link between commonly prescribed statins and memory impairment. The researchers administered pravastatin and atorvostatin (two of the mos

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15 Natural Ways to Ease Common Cold

Amy Taylor September 27, 2013

October usually marks the peak season for over-the-counter pharmaceuticals for common cold. Maybe you have experienced them several times this year – the headache, the fever, and the streaming nose. In times like this, you only probably want two things – some rest and medications. But before you pop that pill, take a look at the following natural

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When Life Hurts: 5 Essential Skills to Overcome Adversities

Lisa Franchi September 26, 2013

Adversities are part of life. Every day, we face different challenges that make us feel anxious and stressed. At times, we encounter major blows that are heart-breaking, tormenting and severely painful. Nevertheless, adversities teach us important lessons that we will treasure for the rest of our lives. Every challenge or difficulty we come across with is d

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Life after Stroke: Health Management Tips for Stroke Survivors

Amy Taylor September 26, 2013

Stroke is the third leading cause of death in the UK, affecting more than 150,000 people every year. The damage caused by stroke can be widespread and long-lasting. Some people who survive may need long and comprehensive rehabilitation whilst others could never recover. According to the NHS, a third of people will make an almost full recovery physicall

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Anti-depressants Linked to Increased Diabetes Risk

Rebecca Lewis September 26, 2013

Many people depend on medications to ward off the debilitating symptoms of depression. But these drugs do not only have side effects – they may also increase a person’s risk of developing type 2 diabetes, a new study suggests. Researchers at theUniversity of Southamptonconducted a systematic review of22 medical studies involving more than one mi

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’Afternoon Naps’ Improves Children’s Learning and Memory

Sharon Moore September 26, 2013

Mum was right – taking a daily nap is good for children. In a US study, an afternoon nap was found to help three-to-five-year-olds better remember their pre-school lessons in the afternoon and the next day. The study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, involved 40 kids ages three to five years old. When they were allowed

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