Simple Lifestyle Tweaks that Make You Look 10 Times Younger

Sharon Moore March 06, 2015

It’s true, you can’t stop time. Moment will come that your hair will turn grey, your face will develop wrinkles, and your overall appearance will reflect your real age. But you can slow down the process and look way younger than before. And you don’t need to submit to plastic surgery, buy expensive creams and beauty products, and stock your

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Calming Your Busy Mind

Rebecca Lewis March 06, 2015

We all juggle with many tasks and responsibilities on a daily basis that it somehow became impossible to find time for relaxation and solitude – two things we greatly need to instil peace of mind. All our to-do lists often give us a hard time and drain our energy, so we lose the time to do things we really enjoy and keep us motivated. Coping with Busy

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Narcissist or Sociopath?

Maxine Lacey Counselling, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Psychotherapy in Wolverhampton March 04, 2015

What are the differences between the narcissist and the sociopath? There appears to be an increasing awareness lately regarding narcissism and narcissistic personality disorder, with self-help groups and websites popping up everywhere with such titles as ‘how to survive narcissistic abuse’ or similar.  Indeed, narcissism appears to be quite

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Perception of Control Helps Women Recover from Trauma, Study Finds

Amy Taylor March 04, 2015

New research suggests women who believe they have control over life circumstances and have strong social support experience better psychological recovery after an assault. The new study involved 159 women who had been exposed to at least one assault-related, potentially traumatic event. Among the subjects, 30 per cent developed major depressive disorde

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7 Bedtime Behaviours that Can Change Your Life

Lisa Franchi March 04, 2015

Sleep problems are more common today than it was hundreds of years ago. And the reasons are obvious – poor diet, stress, too much viewing time, and busy lifestyle. Many people care less about getting enough sleep because they are clueless about its importance in their life. But until we change our attitude about sleep, as well as the habits that preven

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No Rx Needed: Scientifically Proven Natural Reliefs for Anxiety

Rebecca Lewis March 04, 2015

You just got rejected by the nth company you applied for. It’s been three months since you got laid off and the bills just keep on piling up. All these are often the cause of arguments between you and your spouse. The kids won’t go near you because they are afraid you might scold them. You spend the evening watching TV whilst drinking beer. But y

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Is Your Child Depressed?

Amy Taylor March 03, 2015

A lot of times, we think of depression as something only the adults can experience. But no. Depression can affect children too, especially in their teenage years. And no matter how we care for our children, we can’t just completely protect them against mental health problems, such as depression. Whilst the symptoms of depression are sometimes obvious,

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Want to Slash Your Risk of Heart Disease? Go Nuts! According to Research

Sharon Moore March 03, 2015

If you’re looking for a simpler way of lowering your risk of heart disease, consider going nuts. Researchers at Vanderbilt University and the Shanghai Cancer Institute found that intake of peanuts was associated with fewer deaths, especially from heart disease. "Nuts are rich in nutrients, such as unsaturated fatty acids, fiber, vitamins, phenoli

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7 Super Foods that Super Boost Your Mood

Rebecca Lewis March 03, 2015

Whilst a scoop or two of ice cream, a big slice of cake, or a packet of your favourite chocolate cookies seem like a great snacking idea in times of stress, sugary foods that contain fewer nutrients can cause a spike in your blood sugar levels that negatively affect both your mood and energy levels. So if you are looking for something delicious, filling and

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Busting the Myth: New Study Finds Smokers More Prone to Anxiety, Depression

Rebecca Lewis March 02, 2015

It is a long-held belief that smoking can calm you down. That is why many people turn to cigarettes to keep their stress levels at bay. But according to a new study, smokers have 70 per cent greater risk for anxiety and depression than do non-smokers and ex-smokers. Researchers say temporary relief from anxiety that smokers experience is only a brief releas

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