Therapy Events
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Past Events

Introduction to Crystals & Dowsing
Full or half day, introductory, workshop, to learn about the healing properties of crystals and dowsing, how to use them for your health and well-being and to energise and empower your space. No previous experience necessary. Full day includes a Crystal Reiki treatment. Book to suit or for your own full details
- Date(s): 07/04/2020
- Location: 9 Roseway, Wellington Telford Shropshire TF1 1JA
- Audience: Clients and Practitioners
- Category: Crystal Therapy

Crystal Reiki
Learn how to incorporate crystals into your Reiki practice, use pendulums for dowsing to clear and balance the aura and empower your space. Comprehensive training delivered over a period of time, to include training manuals and practical experience of dowsing and using crystals with Reiki. Courses full details
- Date(s): 07/04/2020
- Location: 9 Roseway, Wellington Telford Shropshire TF1 1JA
- Audience: Clients and Practitioners
- Category: Crystal Therapy

Triune Reiki
2 day workshop. Open to anyone interested in meditation, deeper healing & a fuller life experience. Taking you on a journey of meditation & healing to access deeper aspects of yourself, enter the Inner Temple, experience the Divine within & the peace of the God Consciousness. Great for enhancing full details
- Date(s): 07/04/2020
- Location: 9 Roseway, Wellington Telford Shropshire TF1 1JA
- Audience: Clients and Practitioners
- Category: Reiki

Aura Photo Day
View your energetic template in a photograph. The aura is an energetic representation of you in the moment. A great way to gain insight into your vibrational frequency and level of relating and functioning. Includes information to show how balanced you are and feedback is provided. Aura photo days full details
- Date(s): 07/04/2020
- Location: 9 Roseway, Wellington Telford Shropshire TF1 1JA
- Audience: Clients and Practitioners
- Category: Reiki

Psychic Development Group
Very well established psychic development group. To help develop your channeling technique and effectiveness; increase self-awareness and mediumistic skills. To help raise your energetic vibration and level of consciousness. Welcoming and supportive environment for progressive learning. full details
- Date(s): 07/04/2020
- Location: 9 Roseway Wellington Telford Shropshire TF1 1JA
- Audience: Clients and Practitioners
- Category: Meditation

Well-being Group
Learn self-help techniques to balance and heal yourself, overcome personal limitations and experience life more fully. For an improved sense of health and well-being. Learn to take a more pro-active approach. Meet and share with other like minded people, in a supportive environment. Learn skills of full details
- Date(s): 07/04/2020
- Location: 9 Roseway Wellington Telford Shropshire TF1 1JA
- Audience: Clients and Practitioners
- Category: Life Coaching

Cancer Support Sessions
Supportive environment for anyone affected by cancer in some way. To share and discuss concerns and to learn personalised healing and re-balancing techniques. With help to explore emotional and psychological imbalance for deeper self awareness and understanding. To help you on your journey to full details
- Date(s): 07/04/2020
- Location: 9 Roseway Wellington Telford Shropshire TF1 1JA
- Audience: Clients and Practitioners
- Category: Reiki

Karmic Healing Workshop
Learn about the meaning of karma and how to re-balance your karma, for clarity, personal development, life direction or to raise your energetic vibration. You can book to suit or for your own groups. read full details
- Date(s): 07/04/2020
- Location: 9 Roseway Wellington Telford Shropshire TF1 1JA
- Audience: Clients and Practitioners
- Category: Past Life Regression

Kundalini Workshop
3 hour workshop to learn about the kundalini process. How to harness your personal power and work with this safely - for self healing, raising your energetic vibration and level of consciousness. Can help with personal development, life direction, physical, emotional, psychological or spiritual full details
- Date(s): 07/04/2020
- Location: 9 Roseway Wellington Telford Shropshire TF1 1JA
- Audience: Clients and Practitioners
- Category: Reiki

Mindfulness Programme for Improved Daily Living
A 14 week programme of Mindfulness. Taking you on a journey to promote mindfulness in your daily living, for improved health & well-being. Incorporating various techniques of meditation, visualisation, breath and body work, chakric & energetic re-balancing. For healing & a pro-active approach to full details
- Date(s): 07/04/2020
- Location: 9 Roseway Wellington Telford Shropshire TF1 1JA
- Audience: Clients
- Category: Life Coaching