About Circle Of Life Acupuncture Clinic
*Traditional Acupuncture- stress, anxiety, poor sleep, depression, pain, mobility, sports injuries, allergies, hayfever, skin conditions, digestive complaints,IBS , high blood pressure, migraine, IVF, fertility, Phobias. Traditional Acupuncture can help so many conditions that it is impossible to list them all. Please contact me to discuss how I can help your condition.
Reiki also helps a wide range of conditions and is very good for stress, anxiety, relaxation, poor sleep, emotional issues. It is very good at supporting clients who are in poor health or have had surgery, and it speeds up the healing process.
All of the therapies I offer can be used to help prevent poor health and maintain wellbeing.
*Please note that the initial consultation for acupuncture/ natural fertility/ acupressure lasts about 1 1/2 hours and costs £65.00. This is a one off appointment so that there is enough time to take in- depth client details and includes your first treatment. Subsequent treatments cost £45.00 and last 45 mins approx.
My training, work experience and any achievement
I am fully qualified to degree level BA (hons) in Traditional Acupuncture and I am a member of the British Acupuncture Council. My membership confirms that I am fully qualified, experienced and insured.
I am a fully qualified Usui Reiki practitioner using hands on and distance Reiki techniques.I also use Reiki and Acupressure to treat animals.
I have been running my own clinic for over 10 years and have gained a lot of experience treating a large number of varied conditions. I attend post graduate training and comply with continuing professional developement (CPD).
I have an interest in using Acupuncture and Reiki for pre-conception, assisted fertility and pregnancy. I have trained extensively with Zita West and have been an affiliated acupuncturist with Zita West.
I am very interested in using simple stress management and relaxation techniques on an individual or group basis due to the fact that so many people are suffering in our modern society. I believe prevention is better than cure.
Age I Work With
- Children
- Teens
- Adults
- Elders
Other concerns & issues I deal with
The list of conditions and issues that Traditional Acupuncture can help with is endless. Please contact practitioner to discuss how Traditional Acupuncture can help you.
Concerns & issues I deal with
- Auricular
- Fertility
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Phobias
- Stress
- Back Pain
- Usui Reiki
Therapy Provides
- Acupuncture
- Natural Fertility Therapy
- Reiki
- Acupressure
- Stress Management
- Relaxation Therapy
Price List
- Acupuncture: £45.00/session
- Natural Fertility Therapy: £45.00/session
- Reiki: £35.00/session
- Acupressure: £45.00/session
- Stress Management: £35.00/session
- Relaxation Therapy: £35.00/session
Special Online Booking Offers
Offers free telephone consultations.
Initial appointment is £65.00 and following appointments are now £45.00.
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