Acupuncture, Natural Fertility Therapy, Womens Health, Acupressure, Pregnancy Massage, Chinese Massage, Swedish Relaxation Massage, Stress Management in Aylesbury and Risborough, Buckinghamshire
Acupuncture acts both as a treatment and a preventative medicine. The aim of your individual diagnosis and course of treatments is to get a picture of your whole health. I look for the root of any current problems as well as identifying any potential...
Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Womens Health in Haddenham
I am an acupuncturist trained in Classical Five Element Acupuncture. I am fully qualified in acupuncture and complementary TCM practices, meaning I have completed a three year degree course (BA Hons), at the College of Traditional Acupuncture, Warwi...
Hypnotherapy, Hypno-psychotherapy and Fertile Body Method in Oxford
I offer a holistic mind-body approach to health. Our minds and our bodies are in constant communication – each influences the other. By restoring mind-body balance you can resolve issues affecting your health and wellbeing. You can change unhelp...
Acupuncture, Womens Health, Stress Management in Olney, Buckinghamshire
- Coaching, acupuncture and nutritional therapy for stress management and women’s health. - Anxiety, burnout, hormone balance, fertility, IVF support, pregnancy care, perimenopause and cancer support. - Life transitions, overwhelm, grief, new di...