Acupuncture, Colon Hydrotherapy, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in Maesteg
J&F Chinese medicine LTD, Trading as Herbs - Acupuncture. We can help with a wide variety of different problems including: Back Pain, Neck Ache, Rheumatic & Arthritic Pain, Numbness, Sports Injuries, Joint Pains, Sciatica, Headaches, Migraine Hea...
Weight Loss, Acupuncture, Men's Health in Neath
Wellness Centre Neath is an holistic health centre offering a range of alternative therapies and holistic health services to help you achieve a positive and healthy life. Losing weight, stress management, back pain, depression and many other healt...
Weight loss and Trauma Specialist
Weight Loss and Anxiety Specialist Ian Williams is a client centred clinical Hypnotherapist who uses a number of variations of techniques in order to help his clients maintain a healthy lifestyle. I am also a parts therapy facilitator and ...
Counselling, Weight Loss, Hypnotherapy in Port Talbot
Providing High Quality Professional Hypnotherapy and Counselling in Port Talbot and Talbot Green, Llantrisant Stressed? Worried? Not Sleeping? Have a Fear or Unwanted Behaviour you want to overcome? If you want to make changes to your life...
Counselling, Weight Loss, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) in Swansea
Chris Reed is a qualified Integrative Counsellor and Hypnotherapist with over 9 years experience. Chris is a full member of the British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy (BACP) and working towards accreditation and a a full member of Britis...
Acupuncture, Ear Candling, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in Caerphilly
Womens Health, Weight Loss, Allergy Intolerance Therapy in Cardiff
After taking a full medical history you will be provided with recommendations incorporating changes to nutritional intake and lifestyle as well as supplements and further testing if needed. The advice given is practical and aims to reflect your lifes...