Acupuncture, Acupressure, Natural Fertility Therapy, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in South Shields, Tyne And Wear
- Addications (Smoking,drinking,drugs) - Arthritis of the Joints. - Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - Circulatory Disorders - Diabetes(Type 2) - Dizziness and Vertigo - Facial paralysis - Fibromyalgia - Hayfever and Sinusitis - High blood pressu...
Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Womens Health in Northallerton
Sranya practices Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and is especially interested in women’s health concerns, being a member of the Acupuncture Fertility Network. "I have always had a keen interest in acupuncture and the holistic approach to trea...
Acupuncture Newcastle, Back Pain Newcastle, Insomnia Newcastle, Joint pain Newcastle, etc. Massage Newcastle, Relaxation Newcastle, etc.
we are Acupuncture&massage and we provide traditional Chinese medicines ,treatments and therapeutic massage services for anyone and everyone. We based in the very central of the Newcastle city centre, within only 1 minute walk from the monument metr...