Acupuncture, Qigong, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in Hebden Bridge
In 2006 I graduated from Salford University with a first class BSc (Hons) degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) (Acupuncture) and became a member of the British Acupuncture Council. Since then I have continued to pursue my passion for Traditio...
Counselling, Acupuncture, Hypnotherapy in Preston
Acupuncture, Acupressure, Reiki, Ear Candling, Massage, Injury Rehabilitation, Back Prakt, Yoga, Tai Chi, Boxercise, Pilates, Hypnotherapy.
Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)Counselling, Acupuncture, Hypnotherapy in Preston
Acupuncture for all conditions, muscular skeletal, head, neck, skin, womens health. Treatments designed around IVF programs and pre-conception programs arranged.