Reiki, Deep Tissue Massage, Sports Massage in Coatbridge
Conditions which are known to respond to the Bowen Technique. The Bowen Technique is extremely successful in treating many common ailments, as well as offering a therapeutic and relaxing therapy Bowen is a holistic remedial body technique that ...
Reiki, YogaReiki, Deep Tissue Massage, Sports Massage in Edinburgh
I can help with: Stress, Anxiety, Dpression, joint injury recovery. I started my reiki journey in 2005. I booked onto a weekend Reiki 1 course initially as a weekend break, I had no idea what to expect from the course or how my Reiki practice woul...
Reiki, Thai Massage, Meditation in Edinburgh
Reiki is Energy Healing which allows the energy (prana) to flow through the chakras of your body so that body, mind and spirit are reawakened, nourished and recharged. This can have following highly personal benefits:- * Increase vitality & en...