Acupuncture, Ear Candling, Natural Fertility Therapy in Dukinfield
Counselling, Hypnotherapy, EFT, NLP & Spiritual Healing in Derby, Derbyshire
- I have been a stress management consultant and hypnotherapist since 1992. - I have continually updated my training and widened my range of skills so I can now deal successfully with most mental, emotional and behavioural issues. - I deal with ang...
Hypnotherapy, EFT (MTT) Tapping, Weight Loss in Sheffield
Hello I specialise in anxiety related issues - exam nerves, stress, blushing, public speaking, phobias, panic attacks, confidence, driving test nerves etc. I also have a special interest in weight management, quitting smoking , sports performance and...
Hypnotherapy and Past Life Regression in Staffs, Stafford, Staffordshire
Learn a little more about us At Step-in Stone Hypnotherapy our therapists are fully qualified Clinical Hypnotherapists who trained on the Hypnofocus validated training programme, which is industry ‘Gold standard’, accredited through both Gener...