Counselling, Acupuncture, Natural Fertility Therapy in Nottingham
Traditional 5 Element Acupuncture for all conditions including: Sports injuries, back pain, sciatica, IBS, RSI, stress, anxiety, high blood pressure, depression, combating addiction (food, nicotine, alcohol etc.) and the impact of the menopause. Spe...
Natural Fertility Therapy, Reflexology, Relaxation Therapy in hugglescote
BlissFeet offers Reflexology for everyone, whether you are simply after a relaxing pampering session, in the need of relaxation, working at improving an existing condition or seeking pre-conceptual help and advice. Reflexology is suitable for all ...
Counselling, Integrated Energy Therapy (IET), Natural Fertility Therapy in Barnsley
Barnsley Hypnosis & Counselling helps you unlock the invisible chains that are holding you back in your negative past. Step-by-step support, to empower you to change your negative beliefs, thoughts, feelings and behaviours, into positive successful ...