Acupuncture, Ear Candling, Homeopathy, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Womens Health, Mens Health, Bowen Therapy, Moxibustion, Cupping, Stress Management in Ormiston, Edinburgh, Tranent
With 42 years experience as a "classical" Acupuncturist and Homoeopath, treating people from all over the world and trained in UK and China, Jonathan gives everyone individual attention and ...
Counselling, Mens Health, Acupressure in Edinburgh, Midlothian
NACHP accredited psychotherapist, counsellor and hypnotherapist. Fellow of the National Council of Psychotherapists. SHTC registered Life Coach. Fellow of the International Council of Psychotherapists. Qualified NLP practitioner. Reiki Level 16 Grand...
Hypnotherapy, EMDR, NLP in Edinburgh
I work with the innate personal capacity every individual possesses for self empowerment and the fulfillment of their true potential. I combine Clinical Hypnotherapy with a Holistic approach to yield practical results. I believe in understandin...
Hypnotherapy & Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) in Perths & Dundee
We provide/offer a range of complementary health therapies for individuals, groups, companies, organisations and one to one supervision to qualified hypnotherapists.
Reiki, Thai Massage, Meditation in Edinburgh
Reiki is Energy Healing which allows the energy (prana) to flow through the chakras of your body so that body, mind and spirit are reawakened, nourished and recharged. This can have following highly personal benefits:- * Increase vitality & en...