Yoga Boosts Brainpower in Older Adults, Study Finds
Proofs about the health-boosting benefits of yoga are piling up. In a new study, sedentary older adults who practised hatha yoga three times a week experienced a boost in working memory. This research is one of the first studies to investigate the effects of yoga movement on the cognitive processes.
Researchers from the University of Illinois examined 108 adults between the ages of 55 and 79, 61 of whom attended hatha yoga classes. The rest of the participants participated in stretching and toning exercises (but no yoga) for the same number and length of sessions.
At the end of eight weeks, the group that practiced yoga three times a week performed better on cognitive tests than they did before yoga classes started. The group that did the stretching and toning exercises saw no significant change in cognitive performance over time. This was still true after researchers factored in for age, gender, social status, or other similar factors.
Participants who practised yoga showed significant improvements in working memory, according to the researchers. “They were also able to perform the task at hand quickly and accurately, without getting distracted,” said Edward McAuley, one of the authors. “These mental functions are relevant to our everyday functioning, as we multitask and plan our day-to-day activities.”
Other Benefits
Previous studies have shown that regular practice of yoga may provide immediate positive psychological effects by lowering depression, anxiety, and stress.
“Hatha yoga requires focused effort in moving through the poses, controlling the body and breathing at a steady rate,” said study leader and doctoral student Neha Gothe. “Since we know that stress and anxiety can affect cognitive performance, the eight-week yoga intervention may have boosted participants’ performance by reducing their stress.”
Researchers say more studies are needed to confirm the findings and uncover the underlying brain mechanisms. Meanwhile, their current findings were published in The Journals of Gerontology Series: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences.
Source of this article: Yoga Shown to Boost Brain Power in Older Adults
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