Work-Related Stress Increases Diabetes Risk By 50 Percent
It is a known fact that job-related stress takes a huge toll on our health. Now, a new study found that a strong association between work stress and type II diabetes mellitus.
Researchers found that individuals who are under a high level of pressure at work and at the same time perceive little control over the activities they perform face an about 45 per cent higher risk of developing type II diabetes than those who are subjected to less stress at their workplace. They data prospectively collected from more than 5,300 employed individuals aged between 29 and 66 who took part in a population-based cohort study.
At the beginning of the study, none of the participants had diabetes, while in the post-observation period, which covered an average of 13 years, almost 300 of them were diagnosed with type II diabetes.
Experts believe that 5 people in the workplace are affected by high levels of mental stress at work.
By that, scientists do not mean “normal” job stress but rather when demands made upon workers are very high, and at the same time they have little scope for manoeuvring or for decision making.
“We covered both these aspects in great detail in our surveys,” said Ladwig, who led the study.
“In view of the huge health implications of stress-related disorders, preventive measures to prevent common diseases such as diabetes should therefore also begin at this point,” he added.
Diabetes is an emerging epidemic in many countries as environmental and lifestyle factors (such as obesity) play a key role in the development of the disease.
Source of this article: Work Stress Can Hike Diabetes Risk by Nearly Half
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