Who Needs Downtime?
We all believe that in order to achieve more we need to learn more so it is a rather interesting fact that taking ’time-out’ to step back promotes the learning cycle and stimulates self-development. Great results come from providing time to reflect on what we have learnt and digested that knowledge and make it our own.
Taking ownership of newly gained knowledge means that it filters through to become our own wisdom. To truly learn from events and challenges the brain needs downtime to be able to reflect upon what has been learnt. By stopping all the noise in our head and the changing the belief that we can only achieve more by doing more, we can become more resourceful and creative with our thinking.
Downtime replenishes the brain’s store of attention and motivation. The brain waves that occur when we are having downtime are so different from when we are actively pushing ourselves. This time encourages productivity and determines our performance. The quite times are when the inner voice gets heard and we discover how creative our thinking really is. It is essential for us to have this time in order that we can achieve our highest level of performance.
Here are some questions for you to reflect upon to get your brain in the right gear for success.
1. What is the greatest asset of your business?
2. Do you actually actively invest in that asset to guarantee growth?
3. How much time do you actively spend nurturing that asset for a better return on your investment?
4. When do you pay attention to that asset and what action is required to develop it? Is it when its performance dips and fear of loss kicks you in the butt or do you follow the appraisal/evaluation route?
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