When Negativity Thoughts Get You Down
Negative thinking is something we deal with from time to time. Basically, our brains are hard-wired to favour negative thoughts – a mechanism that prepares us for life-threatening situations.
But constantly ruminating about negative thoughts and experiences can significantly affect our quality of life, and make us vulnerable to a host of health problems, including anxiety, depression, and even heart disease.
If you’re guilty of having to stick with negative thoughts all the time, don’t feel bad. Recognising that you some kind of a pessimist is the first and most important step to changing this attitude.
Below are simple strategies to bust negative thinking especially during times when it is really the last thing you need.
Don’t suppress it, acknowledge it. For most people, the first impulse when dealing with negative thoughts is to suppress them. But this can backfire, and set you up for real emotional danger. People who acknowledge their good and bad thoughts are those who tend to make healthier, positive changes.
Learn to contradict your negative thoughts.
Try to view those negative thoughts as if someone else just said them to you. Then, ask yourself – would anyone who really cares about you say that? Instead, talk to yourself like you would to your best friend. Approach your inner self with comfort, not fear or discouragement.
Don’t take it personally.
Try to view negative experiences as unlucky situations that are only temporary. Martin Seligman, the Father of Positive Psychology, call this “learned optimism”. So instead of fretting about the task you failed to accomplish and telling yourself you’re no good or you’re stupid, you tell yourself “I will do better next time.”
Be more mindful.
By being mindful of your thought patterns, you can choose to be more positive. Start by examining your negative thoughts and figuring out where they’re coming from? Do you feel bad because you did not meet the qualifications for the job or you think you really aren’t capable of doing it?
Lend a hand.
Sounds bizarre but this can really help. Reaching out to someone positively shifts your thoughts from your problems, boost your self-esteem and widen your perspective.
Be with cheery people.
When you’re stuck with negative spiral, talk to people who can help you put things in the right perspective. Do away from those who make you feel worse.
Close your eyes and breathe.
Some people call this meditating. When you seem overwhelmed with obtrusive thoughts, this simple mind-body exercise can really serve as a powerful tool.
Believe everything has a purpose.
It’s really hard to find the good in the bad. But people who engage in benefit-finding have fewer disruptive thoughts, less negativity and more meaning in their lives.
What do you do when you’re overwhelmed with negative thoughts? We’d like to hear your thoughts. Share your comment below.
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