What Your Coffee Says about Your Personality

Rebecca Lewis September 16, 2013

Black or white? Sweet or bitter? Hot or cold? Based on an observational study of more than 1,000 people, our preferences for coffee do reveal something about our personality.

Dr Ramani Durvasula of California State University, Los Angeles, assessed numerous common personality types and psychological traits including introversion and extraversion, perfectionism, vigilance, sensitivity, patience, social boldness, and more, in connection with how people deal with usual things in their everyday life – like how they approach waiting in long lines, how they plan dinner parties, or what their typical weekends look like. Her study also involved asking the participants if they drink coffee and what kind they typically order.

Here’s what she found:

Black coffee drinkers

Her findings revealed that black coffee drinkers tend to be straight up, straightforward, and no non-sense individuals. They carry the ‘old school’ and ‘purist’ personality types. They like to keep things simple, and are very patient and efficient. However, black coffee drinkers can be quiet and moody, abrupt and dismissive, sort of set in their ways, and are less open to changes.

Latte drinkers

The latte drinkers, or those who love adding milk, creamer or sweeteners to their cup of coffee, were more neurotic and people-pleasing. They like to soften the bitterness of life, just as they soften the bitterness of coffee. Dr Durvasula also found that latte drinkers tend to be more generous with time, and would often go out of their way to help others. But the ‘dark side’ is that they can get over-extended, and they don’t always take great care of themselves.

Frozen/blended coffee drinkers

These are the socially bold individuals who are always ready for adventure. They try lots of new things, and are often the trend-setters. They are child-like, spontaneous and imaginative. But they often fall for quick fixes, don’t always make healthy choices, and are often reckless. Furthermore, those who love sweet drinks like coffee fraps were the “young at hearts” – the overgrown kids who retained their taste buds and sensibilities of children.

Instant coffee drinkers

The instant coffee drinkers had a greater likelihood of being procrastinators. They are also laid back, and are traditional in some ways. These people take life as it comes, and don’t get too lost in details. However, they often put things off and had the tendency to neglect basic health issues. They are also poor planners.

‘Specific’ coffee drinkers

Those who typically reach for a double decaf, soy, or extra foamy cup of Joe were more likely to be controlling or dominating, and detail-oriented. They may be labelled selfish, obsessive and perfectionist, and are very conscious about their health and body. These people tend to make healthy choices, but they could be too focused on rules, control and order, and are overly sensitive. They also worry a lot.

According to Dr Durvasula, the choices people make in life often tell a lot of things about them. At the same time, their personalities influence all aspects of life, such as their jobs, relationships, attitudes, and perceptions. But sometimes, personalities make it hard for people to make positive changes. But that doesn’t mean it is not possible. “The very definition of resilience is your ability to jump out of type when needed.” the researcher notes.

Her study tells us one thing – it’s okay to go out from our ‘box’ from time to time and stretch out a bit. Take a different route to work, wear something unusual, or order a different type of coffee – sometimes, getting lost is one way to discover other positive traits and personalities we have, and overcome the negative ones.