What Healthy, Happy & Productive People Do Differently
Highly effective people are those who are able to establish positive habits and time-efficient routines, and stick to them. Below are what these people do differently that make them healthy, happy and productive.
Sometimes, it really is hard to make the first move. But it’s the only way to get things done on time. You may feel like you’re not ready yet, or you can actually do it later. But the more you delay your plans, the more you make things difficult, and the more anxious you become. Whenever there’s a chance to do it now, do it. Don’t wait for tomorrow or the other day. Whether it’s quitting smoking, exercising, reaching out to a friend, or chasing your dreams – now is the right time.
Losing track of time because you are too immersed with something doesn’t mean you have wasted time. Happy, effective and productive people often ‘get lost’ in activities that challenge and stimulate them in meaningful ways. And that ‘get lost’ feeling is called ‘flow’. By engaging in things that you find enjoyable, you develop higher self-esteem and engagement, and experience long-term happiness.
Regular physical activity is one common trait among highly effective people. You might think they are too busy, but still, they are able to give time for exercise. It’s because they know it is crucial for their own success. Exercise fuels your mind and body, keeps you healthy, and boosts your well-being. Studies have shown that people who exercise tend to be happier and more productive at work than those who don’t.
Laughter is the best medicine. When you laugh, your brain releases endorphins that help relieve pain and stress, and therefore boost your happiness levels. Highly effective people give time for silliness and pure fun. They laugh their heart out and ‘get lost’ to it.
Doing good things for others has a retroactive effect. It makes both the giver and receiver happy. Many studies have found that participating in volunteer works or donating to charity can boost physical and mental health.
People who are connected to a strong ‘happiness network’ tend to be happier and healthier. Happiness is contagious, just like laughter is. By spending more time with cheery people, you adopt their positive perspectives and bubbly attitude too.
Which among these habits do you relate to? We’d love to hear your thoughts. Feel free to post your comment below.
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