Ways You Could Become Your Own Best Friend

Lisa Franchi October 22, 2014

Having friends and family members to support you when you’re going through difficult moments in your life can really feel comforting. But instead of relying on othersall the time, there are also a number of reasons why you should create your own internal support system.For instance, imagine having no one to turn to for help. When you are self-reliant, you can pick yourself up and stand again, instead of breaking into pieces.

Yes, you can be your own support system. You can be your own best friend. The question is – how?

Be nice to yourself.

Start with being nice to yourself. Learn how to treat yourself like you would treat your best friend. Avoid being too critical. Let go of the little imperfections you see on the mirror. Instead, focus on the positive ones – those that make you feel unique, special and beautiful.

Make sure your personal needs are met.

You are at your best when your needs are being met. Don’t be too harsh on yourself. When you feel tired, do get some rest. When you’re hungry, eat. When you’re bored, engage in something fun and recreational. Take good care of your body. Exercise regularly. Get enough sleep. And don’t hesitate to pamper yourself from time to time. You deserve it.

Be mindful of your thoughts.

Your thoughts don’t always define who you are. Just because a thought pops into your mind doesn’t mean you have to act on it. When you’re struggling with thoughts like “I’m not good enough”, “I’m a failure”, “I am just a mediocre”, remember that you have the option to not believe in those thoughts. And instead of believing, you can simply observe them pass through your mind.

Practise self-compassion.

This could be the most challenging part. But once you have mastered the art of self-compassion, you begin to see yourself as your own best friend. Compassion is about accepting and loving yourself just the way you are. It’s like being a parent to the child within you. You give your inner child unconditional love and support, and know that it will grow stronger and more resilient.

Choose to be around with compassionate people.

Compassion is contagious, so being around with loving people really makes sense. Sometimes, we don’t have a choice, such as in the workplace. But we do have control over the other relationships we have, especially our personal relationships. Choose to be with caring, supportive and acceptingpeople who will make you feel loved, not insecure.

Create balance.

Lastly, create a balance in your life. A life without balance is a life full of stress and unhappiness. You need time to work and time to rest and rejuvenate. Try to slow down and enjoy life more. Nurture your inner child by engaging in activities that give you joy and laughter.