Want to Detox? These Foods Can Help

Sharon Moore July 07, 2014

With all sorts of pollution you are exposed to everyday, plus the unhealthy food you eat from time to time, the need for detox is indispensable. You need sufficient dose of antioxidants to strengthen your immune system and protect your body from potential illnesses. High levels of toxins can make you vulnerable to a host of illnesses and health problems, including digestive disorder, fatigue, infection, and even cancer.

There are plenty of ways to detox, and one of the most popular and most effective is eating health foods. The following are among the best foods to detox:


Topping the list is avocado. This highly nutritious food contains high levels of antioxidants, especially glutathione which detoxifies your body by transporting harmful chemicals from your system. Avocado also contains fibre, which acts as an antioxidant too.


Cabbage contains sulphur as well as glucosinolates – antioxidant that breaks harmful chemicals and eliminates them from your body. This cruciferous vegetable is high in fibre too, which improves digestion and aids in the excretion of toxins from your body.


The essential compounds in beets increase the body’s cellular intake of oxygen. This super food also contains betaine and pectin – antioxidants that protect your digestive system and the liver to cleanse the body.


This vegetable has more vitamin C than oranges, and as you may know, vitamin C plays a key role in a strong immune system. The antioxidant content of broccoli is also unbelievable. They work with enzymes in your liver to convert toxins into chemicals that can be easily eliminated by your body.

Green tea

Green tea contains polyphenols – essential compounds that help your body get rid of free radicals effectively, and at the same time, improve liver function. Green tea is the least processed form of tea, so you can be sure you’re getting the most out of the health wonders it offers.


Garlic is high in antioxidant sulphur, which promotes detoxification by increasing production of glutathione. Aside from its antioxidant properties, garlic has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial qualities too. In fact, it is regarded as one of the best natural antibiotics in the world.


Berries, especially, the dark-coloured ones, are loaded with phytochemicals (such as anthocyanin and proanthocyanidin) that may help protect against cancer and heart disease. Blueberries contain many of the vitamins and minerals, and even considered by many nutritionists to be the healthiest food on earth. Meanwhile, raspberries and strawberries contain ellagic acid, another phytochemical that has protective benefits against cancer.