Want to be Happier? 7 Things to Let Go

Amy Taylor March 25, 2014

They say happiness is a choice. If so, why do many of us find it hard to be happy? That’s because like all the best things in life, achieving happiness also requires commitment, practice and focus. And sometimes, the best starting point towards happiness is getting rid of habits, beliefs and views that keep happiness away.

If you want to be really happy, here are some things that you should eliminate in your life:

Labelling yourself

You are more than your job title, the numbers in the scale, or your relationship status. There’s no word that can fully define who you are, and how special you are. When you give more importance to your unique traits and qualities, as well as your core values, it will be easier for you to accept who you are and be happy of it.

Giving up on your dreams too soon

There’s no easy way to success. It takes time, effort, hard work and dedication to reach your goals. Sometimes you feel great doing your craft, sometimes you feel bad that all you want to do is give up and forget about your dreams. But it’s not the achievements that make success sweeter and more fulfilling. It’s being able to go through the challenges that life gave you, and still managing to reach the top.

Spending more time on work

If you run too fast to get to your destination, you miss the fun of getting there. Yes you need to work hard, but it should not be to the point that you are no longer having enough time for rest and play.  Work hard, play harder!

Not paying attention to your body

Many times, our body gives us warning signs when something’s wrong – whether it’s headache, back pain, low energy levels, weight gain or insomnia – they are signs we shouldn’t ignore. Feelings of discomfort or pain are not normal and could mean we need to look after our health. Your body is an incredible machine that works non-stop 24 hours a day. It deserves some loving and care. See your doctor for a general check-up. Talk to your therapist to find out ways to improve your lifestyle. When you are healthy, you are happy!

Giving more attention to other people’s opinions

You are only responsible for your action, not for other people’s reaction. You can’t please everyone. And that’s perfectly fine. The only thing you need to focus is yourself and your own opinion. Don’t mind the difficult people. They are only good at pinpointing other people’s flaws. Focus on improving yourself. That’s the best thing you can do.

Engaging in negative self-talk

Be your own best friend. Don’t do or say things that could hurt your best friend. Instead of talking badly to yourself, nurture your self-esteem through encouraging words. Be gentle to yourself. Accept your imperfections and be proud of your strengths. If you want others to appreciate you, you should first learn to appreciate yourself. Realise that you are perfect just the way you are.

Comparing yourself with others

Each individual is gifted with unique skills and talents. There’s no one else like you. So stop comparing yourself with others.

Focusing on the bad side

Life has better things to offer. But you won’t be able to see them unless you allow yourself to. Pessimism brings you sadness whilst optimism brings you hope and encouragement. If you fail, stop wasting your time blaming yourself or other things. Focus on the lesson to learn and uncover more opportunities.

Happiness is a choice. But take note that if you choose to be happy, there are some things you should let go, and they include your negative habits and thought patterns. Don’t worry because giving up these things won’t do you any harm. Actually, it’s going to make the road to happiness much smoother for you.