Unhappy? Guide Questions to Find Out Why

Amy Taylor June 22, 2016

You’ve got a nice career. A big house. Enough savings for travel and leisure. You got kids. You have a loving and faithful spouse. But you are still unhappy. And you can’t figure out why. 

Below are some questions you may want to ask yourself in times when you feel like happiness is out of your reach. 

Am I managing my emotions well? 

We all experience positive and negative emotions every day. At one time you are feeling good. In one snap, you find yourself feeling anxious and stressed. Emotions, good or bad, play an important role in our mental health. But when there is imbalance, problems arise. When we are not able to control negative emotions such as anger, fear and insecurity, happiness becomes an elusive dream. If you struggle at managing your emotions, you need to do something about it right now. Talking to a therapist might help. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is one great therapy option that allows you understand and manage your emotions. 

Are you being grateful enough? 

As you close your eyes to sleep, do you think about the blessings you received? Or do you think about your worries - the bills to pay, relationship issues, and conflicts at work? Research after research finds that gratitude is the key to happiness. In challenging moments, it can be difficult to pay attention to the good things in your life. But gratefulness is a habit that can change our life significantly and increase our happiness. Before you sleep tonight, write down five things you are thankful for this day. Make this a daily habit and experience its magic! 

Are you spending more time with family and friends? 

When was the last time you travelled with your family? When was the last time you had lunch with your friends? Bronnie Ware, a palliative care nurse, wrote down the most common regrets of the dying. And one of the top five is spending less time with their loved ones. Spending too much time at work can earn you a promotion and a good deal of wealth. But time lost can never be replaced. It is important to observe work-life balance. Time spent with people you love is time well-spent. Prioritise your family and cherish the friendships you have. They are treasures that money can never buy. 

Are there past hurts that are still troubling you? 

Sometimes, unhappiness comes from the emotional clutter which has long been around in our life, but never caught our attention. Do you have past experiences that make it difficult for you to connect with others in the present? Were there unresolved conflicts that are still haunting you down? Counselling can be a great avenue to deal with these things and make a fresh new start in your life.

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