Top 12 Causes of Fatigue and How to Overcome Them
Millions of people around the world struggle with fatigue every day. Whilst medical checkups often tell us that there’s nothing wrong with our body, fatigue can negatively impact our well-being and make us more vulnerable to more serious diseases. With that, let’s go ahead and discuss some of the top causes of fatigue and how we can overcome them.
Lack of Sleep
Are you getting seven to eight hours of complete shut-eye every night? If not, chances are, you rarely have enough energy to complete your daily activities. Lack of sleep can negatively affect your concentration levels, deplete your energy, and make you prone to serious health problems, particularly heart disease. So make sure you make quality sleep a part of your lifestyle. Ban laptops, computers, televisions, or mobile phones from your bedroom. Freshen up before going to bed (have a warm bath with aromatherapy for instance), and take away all sleep distractions before you close your eyes. Many people think they are sleeping enough when they are actually suffering from sleep apnoea. This condition is characterised by disrupted sleeping pattern which you may not aware of. Regular consultation with a health professional is really important.
Improper Diet
Not enough food in your tummy can really cause symptoms of fatigue but incorrect food choice can also be a problem. Eating a balanced diet prevents you from feeling sluggish as a consequence of a sudden drop in your blood sugar levels. Never miss breakfast and choose the foods that are high in protein, fibre, and other essential nutrients. Eat light healthy snacks in between meals to sustain your energy throughout the day.
Depression may be an emotional disorder but it can lead to many physical symptoms, including fatigue. Other symptoms to watch out are lack of appetite, headache, and sleeping problems. If you’re feeling tired or low in energy, and ‘down’ for two or more weeks now, consult your doctor. Overcoming depression is possible with the help of a professional therapist.
Too much caffeine
It’s true that caffeine can give you a sudden ‘boost’ in energy but too much of it can also cause fatigue symptoms. Caffeine overload may also lead to increased blood pressure and jitteriness. Keep your coffee consumption to 4-5 cups a day. Also, remember that caffeine can be obtained from other foods such as chocolates and teas so make sure you limit your intake of them as well. Try drinking natural fruit juice instead of coffee in one of your usual ‘coffee breaks’.
Urinary Tract Infection
Most people diagnosed with urinary tract infection or UTI complain about abdominal pain and experiencing urgent need to urinate every now and then. But in some cases, UTI has no symptom other than fatigue. There’s no better way than to get a urinalysis to check if you have this condition. UTI can easily be treated with antibiotics.
One of the most common symptoms of fatigue is dehydration. Whether you’re a highly active person or someone who sits in the desk all day long, your body needs water to stay cool and work well. Scientists are still debating on how much water is really needed by the human body. But one thing is for sure – when you’re thirsty, it means your body needs water. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. After waking up in the morning, gulp one glass of water because your body is a little dehydrated at that time (that’s why you feel sluggish after getting up from bed).
Shift Work Sleep Disorder
Does your job require you to take different work shifts? Working nights or having rotating work schedules can disrupt your internal clock and lead to symptoms of fatigue. If you need to sleep in the day and work at night, it is advisable to keep your room as dark as possible. If you’re having sleep issues, consult with your doctor.
CFS and Fibromyalgia
If you’ve been suffering from fatigue for more than six months now, and the symptoms are so severe that they are already affecting your day-to-day activities, it is possible that you have fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome. Whilst the real cause and treatment for this condition has not been discovered yet, lifestyle changes have been proven to improve the symptoms of CFS. These include changing your daily schedule, adopting better sleep habits, and undergoing a moderate exercise programme.
Food Allergy
Food allergy can cause sleepiness and lack of energy. If your fatigue worsens after meals, chances are, you have mild intolerance to the food (or its ingredient) that you just ate. Try eliminating foods you usually eat to see if your fatigue improves. You can undergo lab tests for food allergy.
Heart Disease
If you notice that your usual activities are getting tougher day by day, there’s something wrong in your body, most probably in your heart. If you have been diagnosed of heart problems, making changes in your lifestyle is necessary to overcome fatigue. These may include having to take medications or undergoing therapeutic procedures.
Persistent spikes in your blood sugar levels can make you feel severely tired even though you haven’t done any tough physical activity. If you have diabetes, the best way to prevent symptoms of fatigue is to observe healthy diet, do regular workout, and undergo therapy.
For older people, chronic fatigue is often a symptom of hypothyroidism – a problem in the thyroid gland that controls metabolism and converts fuel into energy. Thus, you may always feel lacking in energy if you have this condition. Rapid weight gain is also another symptom to watch out. Getting your thyroid gland checked regularly, especially if you’re in your 50s or 60s is a must. There are treatment programmes that can help manage this condition.
This is one of leading causes of fatigue in women. Anaemia is often caused by iron deficiency. The quick fix for this is adding iron-rich foods in your diet, such as lean meat, liver, shellfish, beans, enriched cereal and other iron-fortified goods.
What natural therapies do you think are effective in warding off fatigue symptoms? Share your comment below.
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