Top 11 Signs You’re Not Getting Enough Protein
Proteins are essential nutrients needed by the body. They are the so called ‘building blocks’ of body tissues and serve as a fuel source. During digestion, proteins are broken down in the stomach to smaller compounds, a process that is crucial for the synthesis of the essential amino acids that cannot be produced by the body. Protein is highly necessary for body growth and maintenance.
That is why it is very important that we supply our body with the right amount of protein every day. Insufficient levels of protein can lead to varying symptoms, such as the following:
One of the most common symptoms of lack of protein is fatigue. Protein is essential in stabilising our blood sugar levels. Insufficient amount of protein in our body can hence make us feel physically drained and tired, and mentally unresponsive.
Chronic diarrhoea is a sign of malabsorption, which means nutrients are not being fully absorbed by your body. The inability of the body to absorb as much nutrients it needs can be triggered by infections, heavy alcohol use, certain medications, and digestive disorders such as Crohn’s disease.
Thinning Hair
If you want to have a healthy, voluminous and shiny hair, you must add more protein to your diet. While genetics play an important role in thinning hair, it can also be due to nutritional deficiency.
Food Cravings
Without protein needed to stabilise your blood sugar levels, you end up craving more and more for food. Craving is one of our body’s survival mechanism. When it is under ‘threat’, such as when in a state of nutritional deficiency, it looks for an immediate solution.
Brittle Nails
If you have experienced more broken nails than usual without an obvious cause, you may need to up your protein intake. Just like your hair, your nails use protein to grow long and strong. So without it, the nail plate gets thinner and more brittle.
Swollen Eyes
Lack of protein in your body can lower down the levels of plasma protein in your blood. This may lead to a condition called Oedema. Accompanied with lack of iron, poor levels of protein may ultimately lead to anaemia wherein swelling begins.
Muscle Loss
Protein is essential to muscle building and development. The size of your muscle starts to decrease when there is not enough protein in your body. And as it decreases, it also gets weaker. Your muscles will start to deteriorate if they don’t get enough supply of what keeps them healthy and strong.
Random Allergies
If you’ve never suffered from allergies before and all of a sudden started experiencing them, it could be a sign of a protein deficiency. When your body isn’t getting enough protein, you are more prone to allergies and illnesses.
Frequent Illnesses
Protein plays a vital role in keeping our immune system strong as it is the foundation of red blood cells, white blood cells, and antibodies that work together to fight infections and other diseases.
Swollen Hands, Feet, or Face
Swelling in these areas are usually due to fluid accumulation. The swelling could be a sign of low protein. Low protein-induced liver problems cause your body to retain more water instead of flushing it out.
Sleep Problems
When your body is lacking protein and fats needed to keep your brain healthy, it will not produce enough hormones that play a role in regulating your circadian rhythm (your body’s internal clock). Additionally, when you are experiencing fatigue and muscle ache, the harder it is for you to get quality sleep.
See? Protein is very important in keeping your body strong. Adding a little more protein into your diet is a great way to improve your health!
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