Three Things that Make Up a Positive, Happy Life
What makes a happy life? There are different things. And really, they vary from one person to another. Some people find happiness in arts and crafts, others in music, literature, science, and many other fields. Some find it from personal and social relationships too.
However, there are three common traits that make up a happy, healthy and positive life. Here they are:
They are self-motivated
Motivation serves as the loud voice inside you telling you to keep going and reach your goal – no matter how hard it can be. Optimistic people are self-motivated. They are not dependent on external rewards, such as money, fame and material possessions. The source of their motivation is intrinsic so it doesn’t get swayed away easily and make them feel discouraged whenever mishaps get along their way. Motivating oneself is not easy as it seems. It can take time but it usually starts with the tiny step. Visualising your goal is a great idea and helps you follow through with your objective.
They are determined.
Determination is that force that drives you to keep moving forward towards your goals. It’s what tells you ‘no excuses’ and ‘never give up’. It facilitates feelings of positivity. Surely, life isn’t just cheer and joy. It also has twists and turns, and many challenging moments. But with determination, you are able to stay optimistic of what lies ahead.
They are resilient.
Resilience enables you to return to normal after a hardship or stress. It allows you to bounce back after you fall. Resilience also means focusing on what you can control. People who are resilient typically combines the two traits mentioned above – determination and motivation.
So how do you develop these traits? Like any other positive traits, it takes effort, patience and commitment. To assist in developing these traits is mindfulness. Learning how to sit in with your emotions, feel the present moment, develop self-awareness, and focus on what you can control are among the things mindfulness practice can teach you.
Remember that your traits define who you are. Being self-motivated, determined and resilient won’t make you the best person in the world. Nor it would make your life happy each and every day. But definitely, having these traits can make you survive day to day challenges and keep you personally grounded, healthy, and feeling good and hopeful, no matter what life throws at you.
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