Three Amazing Ways Tea Promote Weight Loss

Lisa Franchi August 28, 2015

Want a refreshing and relaxing drink? Go for a cup of tea. Not only does it promote relaxation and calmness, but tea is a great beverage choice if you’re after weight loss too.

Below are the different types of tea and how they promote weight loss.

White Tea

This tea is probably the most commonly consumed tea in Europe as it has a very subtle flavour. It is derived from leaves that have been dried and steamed immediately after picking to prevent oxidation. Such process gives white tea its delicate taste. So how does white tea promote weight loss? First of all, it stimulates lipid metabolism – the process wherein which fatty acids are broken down and converted into energy. Drinking white tea also decreases the amount of fat your body absorbs and actually forces the fat to be excreted by the body. Also, it stimulates thermogenesis – the body’s natural process of heat production that contributes to weight loss.

Green Tea

Green tea is probably the most popular type of tea available in the market today. It is considered one of the healthiest beverages as it is filled with tons of antioxidants and nutrients that work together to promote brain health, lower cancer risk, and facilitate fat loss. Green tea helps with fat loss by stimulating thermogenesis and fat oxidation and reducing body weight regain after significant weight loss. The active compounds in green tea also promotes weight loss by boosting the effects of some fat burning hormones.

Black Tea

Unlike its oxidised counterparts, black tea has usually a stronger flavour. Because black tea is a very low-calorie beverage, it can effectively help you lose weight. A study in the “Obesity Research” reports that high caffeine intakes are associated with weight loss, because they increase caloric expenditure and fat oxidation. Another study, published in the Physiology and Behaviour, confirms that caffeine may boost energy expenditure and prevent decreases in metabolic rate associated with weight loss.

While it helps in fat loss by promoting positive changes in the body, such as the ones mentioned above, drinking tea alone does not guarantee that we are going to lose weight. The best way still, is to accompany it with proper diet and regular exercise.