Things You Must Start Doing Today to Be Happier

Rebecca Lewis October 07, 2014

Every day, we make a lot of decisions in our lives. Unfortunately, some of these do have harsh consequences, such as unhappiness. Often, we come into a point in our life where we realise the need to start doing things differently. We tell ourselves ‘Hey, starting today, I will be….”

If you are asked to fill this blank, what would it be?

We have a few suggestions that can amazingly, amazingly change your life and make you happier and healthier than ever!

Practise more kindness.

It won’t hurt if you show others some compassion. In fact, it does have a mirror effect on your well-being. Helping others can make you feel good too, as it makes them feel better and cared for. You need not own a charity to experience practise kindness and compassion. Even small generous acts, like buying your friend a coffee, sharing your food to someone else, or holding the door for someone, can have significant impact on your well-being. A review of the health effects of volunteerism, published in the BMC Public Health, found that it can reduce early mortality rates by 22%, compared to those in people who don’t participate in such activities.

Choose to be happy.

Starting today, you can choose to allow yourself to be happier. Many people think that happiness can only be obtained after they have reached their goals or succeed in life. But research shows finding happiness isn’t that all complicated. Numerous studies suggest that happiness is a choice. That means we have the power and control over our own happiness. Two small experimental studies, published in 2013 in the Journal of Positive Psychology, found that simply trying to be happier could actually elevate mood and well-being. Our joy doesn’t depend on our money in the bank, the position we’re holding, or any other material possessions. It lies within us.

Love yourself a little more.

Today, choose to treat yourself like you treat your friends. Be kind to your body. Practise self-compassion. Your body is the best thing you’ve ever had. It is a gift that you must treasure for as long as you live. Aside from taking care of your physical health, do show compassion to your mental health as well. A huge body of research shows that if we treat ourselves with the same kindness we use on others, we’d live healthier and happier lives.

Make more friends.

Even smiling at a stranger has been found to elevate mood and increase feelings of happiness. Recent research that tiny gestures like nodding or smiling can make people feel more connected. One of the best ways to be happy is to create positive social relationships. While pain is psychological, it can also extend to the physical. Studies have linked loneliness to a weakened immune system and a hardening of the arteries, for example. And a variety of laboratory experiments have shown that when a person is excluded, even if for a brief time in something as inconsequential as a silly computer game, they feel worse about themselves and experience an all-around sour mood.

Learn to say ‘no’.

Most of us are in the habit of pleasing others. These people are scared to turn down a favour because they feel they might hurt someone else. For instance, accepting additional projects from your boss even though you are still engaged to many tasks can negatively impact your well-being and steal the time you spend enjoying things that matter more to you. You are saying yes to life by saying no sometimes.  

You need to pressure yourself and do all these now. You can pick one or two and start from there. Soon, you will feel a big difference in your well-being.