Therapeutic Activities You Can Do at Home
Feeling stressed? You need not always go out and find refuge in movie theatres, restaurants, shopping centres, and other recreational places to reduce your stress levels. Sometimes, the best place to de-stress is right where you are – at home.
Relax. You deserve it. And it takes less time and effort than you think. Here are some easy, fun and really therapeutic activities you can do at home to fight stress, recharge your battery, and most of all, and boost your mental health!
Draw in response to music.
Music heals. It is a form of art that is said to move souls. And instead of just listening to music, you can make this activity more therapeutic, energising and at the same time relaxing by allowing your hand to draw figures based on what the rhythm dictates. For instance, if you are sharp music, your hand may be prompted to create jagged edges and bold lines. If it’s a soft music, you are likely to draw waves. This activity aims to stimulate your creativity without restraint. It is really invigorating, keeps you focused on the moment, and helps your mind steer away from negative thoughts.
Redecorate your room.
Your environment affects your mood. If it’s chaotic, so is your mind. The more clutter there are in your surroundings, the more stressed you will feel. What’s more – looking at the same interior over again can worsen your mood. So why not give your room a makeover? You can adapt your environment to your needs by rearranging furniture and getting rid of things you no longer use. Make it a more pleasant space by adding uplifting texture and colour, and some artwork pieces. Don’t forget to place affirmations to keep you motivated each day.
Grow a plant.
There’s nothing more fulfilling than watching a tiny seed grow into a beautiful plant. Gardening is a form of art where your hands are the main tools, the soil is your canvass, and plants are your paint. Whether it’s just a small table top bowl you want to create, or a huge flowerbed in your backyard, let your imagination soar. A session in the garden can leave you feeling dead on your feet, but strangely renewed inside.
Make a handcraft.
Take a trip to a local craft store to find some really cute pieces to start with. There are so many things you can do, such accessories made from beads, a scrapbook for your family, some wallets and handbags from recycled materials, etc. You will never know how good you are at something until you put your hands to work.
Tune in to your body.
Mentally scan your body to get a feel of how much stress you have gone through the day. Focus on the sensations you feel, from the tip of your toes up to your scalp. As you do this, take deep breaths. Sit up straight, close your eyes, and place a hand on your belly. Slowly inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.
Be mindful.
Mindfulness meditation is a mind-and-body practice that you can incorporate in your life starting today. Yoga, Tai Chi, meditation and other mindfulness techniques incorporate mental and physical exercises that prevent stress from becoming a problem in the first place. If you can’t join a class, you can always download videos from the web.
You can’t totally be free from stress. Nevertheless, you can be totally in control of it.
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