The Wonder of Bluebell Wood
I feel everyone should experience the tranquillity and healing energy of a bluebell wood at least once in a lifetime, preferably once a year! I always feel calm, centred and full of joy when I’m amongst the flowers and never want to go home! The season is short and almost here so put a visit in the diary if you live near a wood!
This whitebell holds its head in pride amidst the bluebells!
The first time I went to a bluebell wood I was amazed to smell the glorious flowers long before I could see them! The gentle, heady aroma is unmistakable, akin to hyacinths. Once in the woods, the colour is soothing and calming and the flowers roll away into the distance.
I’m often accompanied by my friend Mark who is almost totally blind. He loves nothing more than to sit on a bench and breathe deeply, listen to the birds and just "be" with the bluebells.
I remember being in the Blue Mountains in Australia and the ladies said if they were really ill, they felt being taken into a special Eucalyptus grove would be healing. For me, lying down in the bluebells will be the ultimate healing experience, as long as you can avoid the ants and mosquitos!
Last year I had a fascinating interview with Paul Strode who founded English Wildflower Essences. Paul created a bluebell essence which is available to buy. Bluebell is said to “encourage us to look inwards to find our true feelings and communicate these to others". So, meditating and contemplating in the bluebell woods is perfect!
So, if you are in a country where bluebells are native, do find a local bluebell wood, breathe deeply and just "be" with the bluebells! They are just coming into flower now and normally last into May, depending on how hot the weather is.
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