The Therapeutic Benefits of Jasmine Tea

Rebecca Lewis February 13, 2014

Tea is really a great alternative to coffee. This healthy beverage is known for its calming, soothing and therapeutic benefits. Many types of plants can be made into tea and they vary in taste, aroma, and nutritional properties. One of the most common is Jasmine tea. This scented tea is said to have many health benefits, ranging from stress reduction to disease and cancer prevention. Let’s tackle some of the amazing health perks of drinking green tea.

It helps fight stress and anxiety

Is your job making you feel anxious? Before you sit on your desk, have a cup of jasmine tea first. Just the smell of jasmine tea does have a very invigorating effect. Researchers from Japan have found that such tea has sedative-like effect. Its aroma can lower down heart rate, relax tensed muscles, and calm the body, greatly reducing stress. Jasmine tea is also good at alleviating muscle and joint pains, and chronic back pain.

It lowers your bad cholesterol levels

Just like other types of tea, jasmine tea contains high levels of catechins which have been shown in studies to lower the cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the body. Aside from promoting weight loss, these antioxidants have been shown to help cut the risk of cardiovascular disease, according to a 2007 study published in the journal Obesity. In another study, carried out by Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1999 found that mice fed with high-fat diet that were given antioxidants extracted from jasmine tea excreted more fatty acids and cholesterol in their droppings and had lower levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in their blood.

It promotes mental health

By helping you deal with anxiety and stress effectively, jasmine tea is also helping strengthen your mental health.

It aids in weight loss

Drinking green tea is known to help people lose weight. This benefit is attributed to its caffeine and antioxidant content. Jasmine tea is particularly helpful for dieters because of its naturally sweet taste. Even those who would normally add sugar or honey to their tea find jasmine tea more enjoyable just as it is because of its natural sweetness.

It lowers chances of cancer

Jasmine tea is high in antioxidants which eradicate cancer-causing free radicals in your body. Free radicals are harmful in many ways, and can speed up the ageing process. By helping sweep away the toxins in your system, jasmine tea offers good protection against illnesses, particularly cancer.

It fights bacteria

Jasmine tea can help you ward off flu and cold, as well as throat infection. It boosts your immune system and prevents you from getting any kind of allergies. Apart from fighting disease-causing bacteria, jasmine tea contributes to the growth of beneficial bacteria in your gut, which play several functions in your body, such as in digestion and immunity. Jasmine tea is known to promote intestinal strength, reducing your chances of suffering from diarrhoea, gastric ailments, cholera and ulcers.

It regulates insulin production

Drinking jasmine tea is believed to reduce the chances of developing diabetes as it helps regulate the production of insulin. It is also beneficial in reducing blood sugar levels in those who already have the disease.

Jasmine tea comes in oolong, black, white and green. But the sweet, floral perfume of jasmine flowers tastes best with green tea. Do you know some other health benefits of Jasmine tea? Feel free to post a comment below.