The Magic of Positivity

Iris McCann - Therapy4u Associates Limited Counselling, Weight Loss, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) in Swinton June 12, 2014

Mahatma Ghandi said:

“Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words.

Keep your words positive because your words become your behaviour.

Keep your behaviour positive because your behaviour becomes your habits.

Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values.

Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny.”  

All these things are true. The magic of positivity and of becoming positive are the tricks we use to achieve it.

How can we achieve positivity?

Well it’s in the way that we view not only ourselves but others. If we truly believe in ourselves, and in our abilities then we become positive, positive as positive does!

With positive thoughts come self-belief, self-growth, self-motivation, and self-realisation. The more that we trust in our ourselves, in our decision-making abilities, the more that we tell ourselves we are good, that we are worthy, we can do this, we will do this, the whatever this may be.  The more we begin to realise that this can be and is true.  If we falter, trip up or don’t succeed initially then we just try again, remember!  That we are not failures if or when we trip or fall, we are only a failure when we don’t get back up again.

The trick is in believing and acknowledging that you are capable, you are a good person,  you are worthy,  you can succeed,  you can self-motivate,  and in believing in yourself, being negative is easy,  being positive requires work, but it is work that is useful, healthy and inspirational and important and necessary to your inner self and you!

You are important, you are worthy, all are positive affirmations to your inner self, your optimistic self, the one that can, will and does succeed.

Affirmations are useful and positive thoughts, use affirmations daily if you need to such as: I am good,  I am positive,  I am independent,  I like myself,  my glass is always half full,  I am confident,  I look for inner peace,  I am optimistic,  I am looking forward,  I am capable,  I can and will!

These may seem simple and you may feel you cannot say them to yourself that it’s silly. You don’t need to say them out loud, just say and repeat them to yourself in your head, and believe them, and believe in yourself.

This inspirational and positive quote, made a huge impact upon me and my life at a very low time, and I truly believe it to be true not only for me but many others also, as well as inspirational!  I give this to each and every client and patient I work with, they may not always understand its meaning initially but they do understand when their work is done:

“When I wake each morning I decide...
This can be a good day or a bad day - my choice.
I can be happy or sad - my choice.
I can complain or I can cope - my choice.
Life can be a chore or a challenge - my choice.
I can take from life or give to life - my choice.
If all things are possible,
How I deal with those possibilities is - my choice.”

 Steve Shackel (MND Diagnosis 1994)

The power of positive thought is limitless to you.

Negativity is tiring. It is draining.   

Positivity is uplifting.

Positivity is our future.