The Key to Living an Extraordinary Life

Lisa Franchi January 07, 2015

What does it take to make life extraordinary? If you’re thinking about fame and fortune, you’re wrong. Some people tend to live a very fulfilling life even if they don’t have much. More surprisingly, they aren’t always the smartest, most talented or most hard-working people around.

So what makes their life extraordinary? There are habits that you can incorporate in your daily life which over time, can make your life more special and really worth living. And fortunately, they are too simple for you not to try it.

Be a little more confident. Believing in yourself goes a long way in making your life extraordinary. Be a little more confident. Know what your strengths are and the value you provide. Bear in mind that you are an extraordinary human being who is endowed with talents and skills needed to excel at something. If you are unsure about something, say the new role you have to take at work, then go out and find ways to master the craft (even if that means taking a short educational programme). Most importantly, show confidence without being arrogant. Kindness still rules.

Have the courage to allow change. When we become more comfortable with what we’re doing and where we’re at, we often get afraid to welcome change. But change is inevitable. It is the only thing in the world that is constant. People marry, move to different places (even overseas), and switch careers. You don’t have to be afraid. You just need to give yourself a chance to experience the emotions – good or bad – that comes along with the change you’re about to embrace. It is normal to feel anxious. But you don’t have to live in fears. Who knows – that change is actually the way to the extraordinary life that you have been dreaming about.

Keep moving forward.

You can’t move forward and live an extraordinary life if you are trapped in the hurts of the past. Allow yourself to forgive. Forgiveness doesn’t mean you are going to forget, or that the person who hurt you is going to change. Forgiveness means letting go of anger and resentment. You don’t want these two to dominate your life. Let go and move forward. There are more beautiful things that lie ahead.

Start having fun.

Life gets extraordinary when you are able to find balance between your work and personal life. Don’t be too serious with life. Smile more. Laugh a little more. Do fun things together with your loved ones. Just because you haven’t reached your goals yet doesn’t mean you should allow yourself to lie low and have fun. Happiness is a journey, not a destination. You can definitely enjoy while you work your way to where you want to be.

Love what you do.

Do what you love and love what you do – so goes a popular mantra. When you love what you do, you put all your energy to it. Also, you are inspired and motivated to do it the best way possible. If the path you’re in right now is not something you love, seek for the one you’re really passionate about. If you’re still in search for it, at least love what you do. Find something to love in where you are. For instance, if you don’t love your job, at least find a source of inspiration and happiness from your workmates or the skills you learn.

Tap the right people.

Nobody knows everything. Many times in your life, you will need help, support and advice from other people. People who live an extraordinary life know that they are stronger and more capable of doing things when they work with other people. They are keen in learning new things and improving their skills. Don’t hesitate to seek help when you need it. And don’t forget to show gratitude and appreciation after.

An extraordinary life is not a life based on fame and fortune. It is a life based on kindness, happiness and freedom to do what you love and love what you do. If you want to make your life extraordinary (sure you do), these tips will help. You need not do them all at once. You can take one or a few first right now then move on to the others as soon as you can. The journey to an extraordinary life may not be that easy, but it’s surely worth it.