The Darker Side of Summer
The sun shines, we want to get out there and enjoy. But if you are a sufferer of hay fever, being out running and rolling in the fields has its miseries, especially if you are a child. 10 million of us in the UK suffer through the summer months.
Homeopathy can really help to reduce the symptoms and a quick consultation with a homeopath will pinpoint a suitable remedy.
You would think that one remedy fits all but a homeopath looks at the whole person not just the symptoms and prescribes a remedy to match the picture. Homeopathic remedies work by stimulating the body’s own healing power. This power is very great and many complaints heal themselves unaided, but when the healing process is faulty, blocked, or slow, the homeopathic remedy acts as a stimulus to the curative powers of the body. These remedies cannot cause side effects, and you cannot become addicted to them. This is because only a very minute amount of the active ingredient is used in a specially-prepared formula. It is important to realise what symptoms you or your child suffers and what you do to make it better. Once a remedy has been prescribed, it is not uncommon for dosing to be advised to take acutely, such as 3 or 4 times in an hour until the symptoms are relieved and this is perfectly safe to continue throughout the summer months.
There are several remedies that are indicated when the well known frequent sneezing commence with the streaming eyes. Others are indicated when the roof of the mouth or throat becomes irritated and itchy. There is one when the eyes become sensitive to the sunshine or become really sore, watery or red.
The location can be important too. Orthodox recommendations are that the sufferer should avoid the irritant so to keep away from the cut grass, pollen or spores. This is sometimes difficult to do especially when the sufferer is a child. So remedies can help when the symptoms are relieved by being in the open air and alternatively better in a warm room inside.
It hurts every mother to see their child suffer particularly when they are on holiday or on a day out and there is a reluctance to continually using antihistamines and corticosteroids which can have adverse effects.
Think about trying homeopathy... there is everything to gain.
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