The Amazing Benefits of Beetroot Juice

Amy Taylor April 17, 2013

We commonly see apples, berries and broccoli in many health blogs. And as studies show, these foods are very high in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that boost the immune system and promote physical health. However, another vegetable that deserves a spot in our list of “super foods” is beetroot. When consumed in juice form, beetroot provides a wide range of health benefits – from improving immunity to lowering blood pressure, and preventing cancer.

Dietary Nature of Beetroot

Just like most fruits and vegetables, beets contain high levels of antioxidants such as flavonoids and carotenoids. As you may have heard of them, antioxidants are special compounds that have a beneficial effect on your body. They serve as detoxifying agents – eliminating the free radicals that cause varying diseases. But apart from antioxidants, beets are a rich source of nitrate. This compound is said to improve blood circulation and helps lower blood pressure. 

Beetroots contain essential vitamins and minerals too, including vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C and folic acid (B9). It is also loaded with alpha amino acids that help in the production of proteins to be utilised by the body. 

Other important nutrients found in beetroot are betacyanin (a substance that gives the vegetable its red colour and is known as an anti-cancer agent), silica (aids in the absorption of calcium, and strengthens the bones, hair and skin), and glycine betaine which has the ability to lower the homocysteine levels within the blood. Homocysteine is a highly toxic metabolite that triggers blood clotting and atherosclerotic-plaque formation.

Health Benefits of Beetroot Juice

Improved Heart Health

A growing body of research suggests that the juice from beetroot can be a great addition to our daily diet. In a study published in the American Heart Association journal, researchers found that a daily consumption of beetroot juice may lower high blood pressure by up to 7 per cent. That is because of the high nitrate content of the vegetable. The researchers noted that high-nitrate foods trigger a series of chemical reaction in the blood which increases the amount of oxygen in areas that are specifically lacking supply. Another study published in the US journal Hypertension found that people who drank beetroot juice lowered their blood pressure after 24 hours. According to the British Heart Foundation, eating green, leafy vegetables like lettuce and beetroot are best in reducing the risk of stroke and heart attack because of nitrate that comes from the soil.

Lower Risk of Cancer

Improvement in blood pressure is just the beginning of a beetroot-filled diet. Whilst more research is needed, it is believed that beetroot juice has the ability to fight cancer. It can help eliminate the Heterocyclic aromatic amines (HAAs) – substances linked to cancer which are formed during the cooking of meat and fish. In a German study, cancer patients rated beetroot juice as the most popular of all alternative cancer treatments.

Improved Stamina

Beetroot promotes stamina in plenty of ways. First, it helps produce healthy red blood cells and helps maximise the amount of oxygen supply in the body. Second, it boosts oxygen uptake during exercise so less oxygen is needed when doing heavy workouts. In a 2009 study, researchers found that nitrates enable people to exercise up to 16 per cent longer. Therefore, gym goers whose diet contains beetroot are less likely to experience fatigue and have higher levels of endurance, energy and vitality. Third, beetroot contains magnesium which helps ease muscle tension, anxiety and stress.

Improved Liver and Kidney Health

Beetroot is widely known for its amazing effects on liver and kidneys. In a 2002 study by the University of Maryland Medical Centre, it was found that betaine may help protect the liver from disease, particularly from the build-up of fatty deposits caused by alcohol use, diabetes and protein deficiency. In a clinical trial on mice, sponsored by the National Centre for Biotechnology Information in collaboration with the University Of Medical Sciences Department Of Pharmaceutical Biochemistry in Poland, it was found that beetroot juice protects the liver from oxidative damage. 

Protection against Inflammation

In a study entitled “In vitro Effects of Beet Root Juice on Stimulated and Unstimulated Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells”, Austrian researchers highlighted the role of beetroot in lowering the risk of inflammation – a key factor in cancer, coronary heart disease, and other chronic diseases. Their data shows that beetroot juice has the ability to counteract the pro-inflammatory cascades in peripheral blood mononuclear cells.

Better Cognitive Health

In a paper published in a peer-reviewed journal Nitric Oxide: Biology and Chemistry in 2010, researchers revealed that drinking a glass of beetroot daily can boost blood flow in the brain of older adults, which makes it a potential treatment against dementia. Again, this amazing benefit is attributed to beet’s high nitrate content. Spinach, lettuce, celery and cabbage are also high in nitrates. 

Preparing Beetroot Juice

Beetroot juice is commercially available in local grocery stores and considered as a dietary supplement. However, nothing beats the taste and therapeutic value of the juice extracted from fresh beetroots. Some nutritionists recommend freeze-drying raw beetroot juice so no active compound is eliminated or damaged. All you need to do is add a teaspoon of the beetroot powder in a glass of water and drink it. You can also pick fresh beetroots, wash them thoroughly using cold running water, slice them into cubes, and place them into the juicer. The juice can be stored inside the refrigerator for up to three days. Beetroots can also be grated into salads, or baked whole, roasted or boiled. 


Dear readers,

Have you tried drinking beetroot juice? Can you suggest other delicious ways to prepare this healthy drink? 

Share your comments below!