Ten Foods that Make You stronger than Ever

Lisa Franchi January 19, 2016


Do you always suffer from colds and flu? Do you get in and out of the doctor’s clinic a few times every month? Do you always feel like you lack enough energy? If your answer to all these questions is a resounding yes, it means your immune system is weak. 

Keeping your immune system functioning properly is important if you want to stay away from almost every kind of disease. But these days, it is really hard to do this because we struggle with stress, unhealthy food, and unhealthy lifestyles.  

So what’s the best way to strengthen your immune system? The answer lies in your diet. 

Below are 10 super foods that are sure to make you stronger than ever and less prone to diseases: 


There’s no wonder why Popeye is so strong. Spinach is loaded with folic acid, which promotes cell repair. It is also high in vitamin C. Furthermore, a cup of cooked spinach has more potassium than a cup of sliced bananas. 


This delicious cruciferous vegetable is one of the best foods for immunity because it has detoxifying properties, cleansing your body from free radicals that lower your immune system. Apart from being a disease fighter, it is also an immunity booster. Eating broccoli regularly also helps promote a healthy gut lining. 


Just half a grapefruit can already ease cold symptoms and the severity of cold symptoms. And since it also is capable of sweeping away free radicals from your body, grapefruit can help reduce the severity of any inflammatory condition. Nutritionists recommend eating more of the red or pink varieties of grapefruit as they contain the antioxidant called ‘lycopene’ which boosts immune system functioning. 


This very filling and very tasty immune system-booster is high in vitamin C and A, and also has a large concentration of lycopene. Eating watermelon regularly helps reduce infection, inflammation and free radicals. It is also high in water, which helps keep you hydrated and energised. 


A sprinkle of cinnamon in your coffee or oatmeal can go a long way in boosting your immune system. This popular spice has antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties. Cinnamon bark also contains beneficial oils that help boost digestive health. This popular spice is good at lowering blood sugar levels, that’s why it is recommended to clients with diabetes. 


This immunity-boosting food is rich in zinc that acts as a shield from various diseases. While it is a little more expensive, fresh oyster is a really decadent, delicious food to eat. 


About 70-80 per cent of your immune system resides in your gut. That is why it is important that you supply it with probiotics - the beneficial bacteria that make up your immune system. Getting your daily dose of yogurt and other fermented products is a good way to keep the healthy balance of probiotics in your gut.

Oats and Barley 

Whole grains such as oats and barley contain a type of fibre which has antimicrobial and antioxidant capabilities. A Norwegian study found that these foods help boost immunity, speed up wound healing, and help antibiotics work faster. 


This natural antibiotic contains allicin which fights infection and bacteria. Studies suggest that garlic takers were two-thirds less likely to catch a cold. They also have a 30% lower rate of colorectal cancer and a 50% lower rate of stomach cancer.

Green Tea

Green tea contains polyphenols - plant antioxidants that have immune-boosting effects. Many studies have shown the amazing health wonders of green tea, from stronger immunity to lower risk of cancer, and healthier health. It aids in weight loss too! 

Keeping your immune system working properly is something you should prioritise this 2016. By making these superfoods part of your regular diet, boosting your immunity can be so much easier.