Studies Prove Cherries as a Real Superfood

Sharon Moore July 09, 2015

Cherries are known for being a haven of powerful life-saving antioxidants. But more than, they also contain lots of health-promoting compounds which help cut the risk of heart disease, improve sleep quality, and trim belly fats!

What’s more, they have the power to prevent inflammation and subsequent tissue damage in exhausted muscles, according to Dr Kerry Kuehl, a sports medicine specialist at the Oregon Health & Science University. In his recent study, it was found that those who drank tart cherry juice while training for a long-distance run experienced considerably less pain after exercise. According to him, tart cherries are high in antioxidant compounds called anthocyanins. These give the fruit their bright colour.

Not only that, the natural compound also helps prevent inflammation and subsequent tissue damage in exhausted muscles.

More Health Benefits

Aids with Arthritis

In 2012, researchers from Oregon Health & Science University found that women with osteoarthritis who drank tart cherry juice twice daily for three weeks had significantly fewer signs of harmful inflammation in their blood. They also suffered 20 per cent less pain. They said tart cherries have the ‘highest anti-inflammatory content of any food. Another study published in the same year in the journal Arthritis & Rheumatism, found that those who regularly ate 30 cherries a day cut their risk of attacks by more than a third.

Reduces Belly Fats

Eating cherries regularly can also lead to a flatter stomach. A 2013 study which appeared in the Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition revealed that anthocyanins can effectively curb belly fats.

Promotes Good Sleep

Cherries are also high in melatonin – the hormone responsible for regulating our internal clock and making us feel sleepy and stay asleep. In a 2012 study by Northumbria University, the cherry juice drinkers demonstrated a sleep time increase of 25 minutes and quality of sleep improvement of around 6 per cent.

Fights Heart Disease

Anthocyanins may also reduce heart-damaging inflammation in the body, as shown in many studies. It promotes heart health by fighting inflammation in the body, and reducing harmful fats in the bloodstream. A study by University of Michigan in 2013 found that sour cherries can even reduce the risk of stroke when they are taken with prescribed medications. 

Source of this article: Can eating cherries banish your jelly belly? They can trim tummies, soothe exercise pain and even help you sleep