Stressed to the Max? 10 Strategies to Try

Lisa Franchi March 27, 2015

Stressed to the max? You are not alone. Thousands, if not millions of people try hard to fight stress every day, and it is a battle that never ends.

Stress. We hear people talk about it most of the time. We regularly talk about how stressed we are, how we can overcome it, or how we can avoid it in the first place. It seems like everybody is seriously dealing with stress. And it’s not surprising, really. The modern world has given us so much things to be busy, worried and stressed about. But if we don’t do something about it, our health and well-being will suffer.

Stress is everywhere. We see it in the workplace, at home, in school, and anywhere we go. We see it in the faces of our loved ones, friends and even the strangers we encounter. We see it on TV, and on the internet. Stress is basically around us! Which means we can’t ever avoid it.

But worry not. The good news is that we have a say on how stressed we get. And we really don’t have to go too far to manage our stress levels and take care of our body.

How? You may ask.

Consider these tips:

Write a story about your stress. Imagine yourself as a reporter. Examine how stressed you are. Describe the situation, the people involved, and all other factors that contribute to your stress levels. Writing about it helps you better understand your stressors, and ultimately devise strategies to overcome them.

Take time out. When was the last time you travelled? When was the last time you spent a day or two not checking your work email or doing anything else than pure leisure? Too often we promise ourselves to enjoy after we finish this and that, or when we after we hit our targets. But how many times do we really make it to reward ourselves for a time out? You don’t have to finish something or achieve something just to permit yourself to enjoy and have a break. Take time out as often as you need, and without setting rules or conditions.

It’s okay to say “no”. It’s true that we cannot avoid stress. But we can minimise its effect on us. Sometimes, we make our own stress by taking on too much. We work too much, and accept too much responsibility – more than what we can really handle. It is really okay to say “no” to an offer or request, if it means having more time to properly carry out your tasks while still having enough time to rest.

Work out and make it a habit. Most of us understand the importance of exercise on alleviating stress and promoting good health. But how many really go all the way to making it a habit? Make physical activity a priority. Do something – anything that gets you moving. Try dancing, biking, swimming, and more.

Sleep, sleep, sleep! Don’t feel guilty about going to bed early. If you want to strengthen your body’s resilience to stress, you must value sleep and make it a top priority, along with proper exercise. Sleep deprivation lowers your immunity against stress and health problems, so you end up getting more prone to health problems.

Hang out with cheery people. Be careful about the types of people you hang out with. Time spent with positive people is a great antidote to stress.

Shut down your mobile phone or laptop. Yes, these things can be a source of stress too. So limit the time you spend on them. When you regularly do a digital detox, you’ll come back to your desk feeling refreshed and probably in a better mood.

Pay attention to what your body says. Our body gives out signals every day to let us know what it needs. And these signals tell us how we are feeling mentally, emotionally and physically. Too often however, we try to ignore these clues. Take time to listen to your body.

Deal with your mental baggage. Imagine yourself rearranging your closet, and taking the stuff you no longer need. Do the same thing with your mind. Take off the excess baggage – the hurts, grudges and resentments – because they really won’t make your journey towards a stress-free life easier.

Try counselling. If your stress levels are too severe that it’s already impacting your life, you may consider seeking professional help. There could be a deeper reason why you are feeling that way. Your therapist can help you uncover what that reason is, and come up with techniques to help you get over it.

Pick a few strategies that resonate with you, or use them to brainstorm on more ways to conquer stress. Make a commitment to yourself that you are going to take better care of your mind and body, and that you will not let stress affect your life and prevent you from living it to the fullest.