Stress & Your Bulging Waistline
There’s one more reason you don’t want to be stressed all the time. Not only does it weaken your immune system or makes you anxious or depressed, but stress can also cause you to make poor food choices. Research shows that stress makes you want to choose salty, fatty and sweet foods which can all lead to a bulging waistline.
When we are under stress, our brain signals that we are under threat and floods our body with stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. This is why a chocolate donut or a big slice of cake makes a better snack than an apple when we are feeling tired and stressed out.
Cortisol tells our body to stock up on energy-rich foods as it puts our system in the ‘flight or fight’ mode. While fatty, sweet and salty foods are a good source of energy, they become useful only when we spend them for physically straining activities, not when we are simply slumped on our desk all day long, facing the computer.
Not only that, cortisol also affects how fats are distributed in our body. And unfortunately, this hormone directs most of the fats in our waistline.
Fighting Stress
In our ever busy lifestyles, stress is just around the corner. We can’t avoid it. But that doesn’t mean we can’t do anything about it anymore. Actually, we can change how our body responds to stress. So the next time you find yourself feeling pressured with work and all your other obligations, here are some smart was to ward of stress and keep your health in check:
Before you reach out for that brownie, take a pause. Tell yourself to stop for a few seconds. You’re not banning yourself from indulging in that sweet treat. You are just giving some time to your mind and body to process your urge. Do a self-check-in and ask yourself what you are really feeling. And even if you ended up eating, you might find yourself dealing with stress in a more efficient way and not getting into a food temptation easily the next time. Couple this exercise with some deep breaths and you will feel more relaxed. And when you are, you are less likely to make poor food choices. Of course, don’t forget to exercise. Not only does it tone your body, stimulate your muscles to burn fats, and reduce your calories, working out is also a scientifically proven way to fight stress.
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