Scientifically Proven Ways to Stay Happy at Work
Is your job giving you sense of fulfilment and happiness? Or is it simply stressing you out? It is normal to feel tired and stressed at work from time to time. But it shouldn’t be the case day after day. If quitting is not your option, you might want to read through and consider some scientifically proven ways to stay happy at work that we will discuss here.
Unhappy Employees Outnumbers Happy Ones
A 2013 survey by Gallup – a research company that has been studying international employee satisfaction since the 1990s, found that there are more“actively disengaged” workers in the world than “engaged” workers who love their jobs. For the 2013 study, they asked 25 million employees in 189 different countries and shockingly – of this population – only 13% of workers feel engaged to their jobs.
The vast majority, some 63%, are “not engaged,” meaning they are unhappy but not drastically so. This means they sleepwalk through their days, putting very little energy into their work.
What Makes Employees Happy?
It’s not always the pay check.In one study, workers say they would choose the job they love which pays $40,000 per year over a job that pays $100,000 a year but bores them.
So what affects workers’ satisfaction? According to studies, there are different factors affecting satisfaction at work among men and women. For men, it’s the compensation and their interest in the job they’re in that keep them motivated. For women, it’s the flexibility, workload, career advancement and the people they meet at work.
How to Be Happy at Work
Here are some easy, scientifically proven ways to keep your spirits high while at work and reduce your stress levels.
Try to find meaning in your work.
When the pay is the only motivation you have for working, you will never feel happy and satisfied in the end. Money is a finite resource. So when it’s gone, so does the joy it brings. Finding meaning in your work brings you happiness that can persist for long. By engaging in activities that are meaningful to you, you will feel more inspired, motivated, and ultimately – happier.
Believe in yourself.
At work, confidence matters. It serves as a fuel to your mind and body – giving you the energy to succeed in any task. When assigned with a difficult project, breathe deep and tell yourself “I can do it!”
Look at the bigger future.
You might think that the job you’re in now isn’t right for you, but it may actually be a stepping stone towards the job you really want. Even if you’re at the bottom of the organisational chart, always do your best. Learn everything you can. The skills, experience and knowledge you will gain there may get you through the top. Keeping this in mind will make you feel more comfortable with your current job and lower your stress levels, until the time you’re ready to move forward.
Recall your past successes.
When faced with a difficult task, a great strategy to boost your self-confidence is to recall past experiences when you did well on a similar task. In one study of entry-level accountants, researchers found that those who believe they could accomplish what they set out to do scored the highest in job performance ratings.
Perk up.
Don’t work when you’re feeling grumpy. To start your work day right, do something that gives you happiness and relaxation. It could be anything from reading a short passage in the bible, taking your pooch out for a short walk, going to the bathroomfor a long, hot shower, to preparing a sumptuous breakfast, watching a funny video clip, or calling a friend or relative.
Revamp your space.
Yes, your environment plays a big role in your productivity and performance at work. Consider personalising your space by putting photos, positive statements, and some of your certificates of recognition – they all can make you feel inspired. Go green. People with plants in their office feel happier in their jobs than those who lack greens.
Have fun.
Go out at least once a week with your co-workers. Creating a bond with these people is also essential in your success at work. Studies show that restaurant launches with others relax us more than eating alone.
Live a life!
Lastly, keep the balance in your work and personal life. No matter how much you love your job, if you don’t observe balance, you will end up feeling unhappy, bored, stressed and sick! Don’t forget to give time and attention to other things that are important to you, like your friends, family, and hobbies. Do take a vacation if you feel like you need it. When everything is in balance, you get to enjoy life and work to the fullest.
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