Scientifically Backed Ways to Make Your Holiday More Enjoyable

Lisa Franchi December 23, 2013

Christmas is the season to be ‘jolly’. But in reality, it doesn’t always happen. In fact, Christmas is rated as one of the most stressful events of the year. Those family reunions can spark old conflicts, whilst the preparation (cooking and shopping) can be a nightmare.

The good news is – there are several ways to make this special time of the year a more enjoyable one. We’ve got some research-backed tips for you:

Savour each positive experience. Whether it’s dining with the whole family, exchanging stories with friends, or preparing your specialty dish – let yourself savour and enjoy the moment of being in that situation. A study by Fred Bryant, a professor of psychology at Loyola University, suggests that savouring positive experiences strengthens our positive response to them. What’s more, by being completely aware of the positive sensations those enjoyable moments bring, we can form stronger neural connections that strengthen the trace of that experience in our memory.

It’s time to say “thank you”. Christmas is also a great time to practice gratefulness. Few days to go and it will be a new year. Whilst now is a great time to reflect on the changes we want to incorporate in our life for the following year, now is also a perfect time to reflect back on all the blessings we have received for the entire 2013. List down the major successes and achievements you had this year, followed by the smaller ones. In his study, Martin Seligman, a pioneer in the field of positive psychology, found that among severely depressed people who were asked to write down three good things that happened to them each day for 15 days, 94 per cent had a reduction in their depression levels and 92 per cent said their happiness levels increased. So if you are feeling blue this Christmas, try what these people did. You will be surprised of the result!

Have fun! Take advantage of all of the fun things to do during the holidays. Because everybody wants to make Christmas perfect, many people forget to enjoy and have pure fun. Remember what holidays like when you were a kid? Allow yourself to experience that again! Get silly, giggle, and laugh out loud! Surround yourself with cheery people because according to studies, happiness is contagious.

Give more. Studies on neuroscience suggests that doing an altruistic act lights up the same areas in the brain that are active when we engage in pleasurable activities like eating or having sex. Every time you do something that contributes to the well-being of another, you are bound to experience joy, more joy.

Take a break. Many people forget this. But if you want to retain your energy and positive vibes, take regular breaks! Whether it’s a 30-minute nap, a cup of tea, a short walk, or a long warm bath, doing something that relaxes you can significantly boost your well-being and keep you happy all throughout the holiday period, no matter how physically draining those preparations are.

Merry Christmas everyone!