Restoring Balance in Your Life
In this ever so busy world, finding balance has always been a big challenge. Many of us are too occupied with trying to be successful that we almost forget about giving time for other things apart from work. Yes, we are talking about friendships, family, and leisure. One thing we tend to forget though is the fact that in order to be successful in life, we have to strive for balance. Whilst focusing too much on your career could up your chances of success, it does not guarantee happiness.
If you feel like the balance in your life is out-of-whack, do not feel bad. The good news is that it is never too late to start over. You can get closer to restoring the balance in your life with the following simple steps:
Cultivate mindfulness. In whatever you do – may it be work or leisure, it is important that you are fully present in the moment. Only when you are mindful will you become productive at work, and enjoy what you are doing. Always strive to be mindful, especially when you are with your family. You can turn ordinary moments at home (breakfast, viewing time, family dinner, etc.) into a great bonding opportunity if you will pour all your attention to it. When you are with people you love, try to avoid work-related activities, such as checking emails or reviewing documents. Be fully present. Surely, your kids and hubby will appreciate it.
Engage in a creative task. Most jobs today require more of analytical thinking than creativity. But scientific studies have shown that exercising your creative mind has a positive impact on your life. At the same time, creative pursuits give you relief from your day-to-day tasks that often stress you out. As a result, you become less vulnerable to burnout. Furthermore, engaging in a creative task adds more colour to your life and brings enjoyment – a great way to find balance.
Keep moving.
Incorporating physical activity in your daily routine is another important strategy to restore the balance in your work and personal life. If you’re looking after your physical and emotional well-being, exercising is indispensable. So make it a habit to keep moving. Sign up for a gym membership, enrol in a Zumba class, jog every day, or engage in an afternoon stroll around the neighbourhood. Find out what physical activities fit in your schedule and work for you.
Whilst success brings us joy, the happiness brought by giving and being compassionate is incomparable. There is that magical feeling whenever you help someone in need. Small, random acts of kindness, such as holding the door open for a stranger at a grocery store, sharing your lunch to your officemate, or volunteering in a community project, can greatly enhance your perspective in life, and positively impact your health and well-being.
Nurture yourself.
It is hard to restore the balance in your life when you are not taking care of yourself. You may be too caught up with so many responsibilities in your personal and work life that you almost forget about yourself. But in whatever you do, always prioritise your health and well-being. Feed your body with nutritious foods, your mind with rest, and your soul with a prayer. Connect with your inner self, nurture it, and pamper it. You can’t ever enjoy all the successes life has to offer when you don’t take care of yourself.
Don’t wait until it’s too late. Issues with life balance can lead to more serious problems, such as anxiety disorder and depression. Make an actionable plan right now. Prioritise seeking life-work balance. Following these tips is a great way to start.
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