Reasons to Start Your Yoga Practice Today

Sharon Moore June 28, 2016

On December 11 in 2014, the United Nations General Assembly declared June 21st as the International Day of Yoga. While it was not until recently that yoga has gained so much popularity across people of all ages, this practice has been existing even during the ancient times. Yoga is a great mind-body exercise that is relatively low in impact so it can be practised by both the young and old. 

In celebration of the International Yoga Day, it’s good knowing some of the top reasons why you should consider practising today. 

Yoga eases pain. 

Can’t move freely because of chronic pain or injury? You can still have a nice workout by doing yoga. Not only do you prevent yourself from being sedentary, but doing yoga can also provide relief to your pain issues. A study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine journal has found that yoga can be an effective therapy for pain. In this research, participants suffering from chronic low back pain experienced increased mobility with yoga more than the standard medical treatment. Another study also suggests that practising yoga can improve daily function of people suffering from fibromyalgia osteoporosis-related curvature of the spine. 

Yoga makes you sleep better. 

Have insomnia? Yoga is a great addition to your workout regimen. Research by Harvard Medical School found that practising yoga daily can aid in chronic insomnia. One reason is that yoga has calming benefits which prepare your mind and body for a relaxing and rejuvenating sleep. 

Yoga makes you happier. 

Experts agree that yoga has a greater positive effect on a person’s mood and anxiety level. And according to a study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, it may be because practising yoga leads to higher levels of the brain chemical GABA. People with mood and anxiety disorders tend to have low levels of this brain chemical. 

Yoga can even improve your sex life. 

Want to improve your performance in the bedroom? Try practising yoga. Research has shown that 12 weeks of yoga can boost sexual desire, arousal, performance, confidence, orgasm and satisfaction for both men and women! Apart from increasing the amount of happy hormones in your brain, yoga also boosts blood flow all over your body, which leads to better arousal and orgasm. 

Yoga improves your immunity. 

In 2013, Norwegian researchers found that yoga practice results to changes in gene expression that boost immunity at a cellular level. What’s more, this ancient technique boosts immunity by simply improving your health in general. 

Yoga sharpens your brain. 

Looking for a way to sharpen your memory? Yoga is a perfect workout for you. Various studies link yoga with improvement in brain function and brain volume. In one study, researchers from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign measured concentration and short-term memory after a 20-minute yoga session. They found that yoga students showed significant improvement post-yoga in memory and a greater ability to accurately process information as compared to the aerobic or baseline sessions. 

Yoga is a perfect stress reliever! 

Stressed out? End your day with some yoga poses. The stress-busting powers of yoga may come from its ability to lessen the activity of proteins that are known to play a role in inflammation. That’s according to a study by the researchers from the University of California, Los Angeles. It also lowers blood pressure and ease anxiety. 

Have you tried yoga? What are your favourite poses? We’d love to hear from you. Feel free to put a comment below.


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