Psychological Benefits of Nature

Amy Taylor April 26, 2013

The health effects of nature are undeniable. That’s probably why it is more expensive to rent a hotel room overlooking landscapes or gardens than the standard rooms with no panoramic view of nature. Vast research shows that interacting with nature does not only improve physical health but also promotes well-being and reduces the risk of developing mental illness.  

Instead of spending hours browsing the web or watching TV, you may want to go out and experience the following benefits of nature:

Overall Improvement in Well-Being

Going out for a short walk to the park or doing some gardening stuff may relieve you from the mental stress that comes along with your job. Researchers at the University of Michigan and Uppsala University showed that interacting with nature relieves mental fatigue. Can’t get up from your desk? It’s fine. You can just place a collage featuring photos of landscapes and natural sceneries to reap the psychological benefits of nature, according to a study by Eugene T. Gendlin, an American philosopher and psychotherapist.

Higher Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem

Do you think you’re not good enough? Improve your self-belief by interacting with nature. All kinds of wilderness experience, including outdoor challenges and environmental education programmes can significantly enhance your level of self-confidence and self-esteem. That’s according to the study by the University of Idaho.

Stress Reduction

Plenty of studies suggest that nature experience reduces stress. Researchers from University of Oregon say that the brain gets fatigued after working for long periods of time, and this stressful effect is more profound when dealing with repetitive tasks. In another study published in The Wall Street Journal, researchers found that taking a stroll in the park can do wonders while drinking lots of coffee can just leave you more drained and fatigued.

Better Concentration

Researchers at the University of Illinois studied the effects of nature interaction in female participants who were randomly assigned to various apartments. Some of them had a view of nothing, the blacktop of parking lots, or basketball courts. Other women had a view of grassy courtyards filled with trees and flowerbeds. Those who had access to nature showed improvement in many cognitive functions, including concentration.

Speedy Recovery from Surgical Operations

A research by Roger Ulrich and his colleagues at Texas A&M University found that post-operative patients confined in hospital rooms that have a view of nature have higher rate of recovery than those who have no view of it. Not only that. Nature interaction also leads to less use of healthcare services among prisoners, improves performance of workers, and increases job satisfaction.

Growth and Development in Children

In 2002, A. Kellert analysed studies on nature and child development. He found that direct interaction with nature resulted to cognitive, affective, and moral development. In 1998, B. Kellert & Derr of Yale University examined the effects of various nature interaction programmes and found that they all promote self-confidence, self-concept, self-esteem, and sense of freedom in children. Wilderness adventure has also increased kids’ capacity to cope.

A study published in the journal Ecopsychology suggests that regardless of the activity type, whether it’s camping, gardening or pagan activities, women can greatly benefit from interacting with nature. The scent of roses also brings added pleasure to them, according to the researchers at Colorado State University. They added that women are more likely to believe that nature has inherent value, and it shouldn’t just be saved for, nature offers useful natural resources.

There’s no doubt about it – nature interaction offers amazing healing benefits for your mind, body and spirit. So the next time you think about going out, you know where to go.


Dear Readers,

What sort of nature adventures do you love doing the most? What benefits do you get from them? We’d love to hear your story.

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