Professional Burnout? Check Out These Top Reasons

Lisa Franchi August 26, 2016

It’s just mid-week and you already feel so dead tired you can hardly focus. You feel hopeless. If only you can go on leave until Friday. But gosh - your leave credits are all used up. It’s always like this every week. And it’s taking a toll on your physical and mental health.

Can you relate to this scenario? Well, you are not alone. A 2015 survey found that half of UK workers experience burnout which is affecting their health and straining the health service and benefits system. Burnout is a common workplace problem. But if you ignore it, it could heavily affect your health over time.

You know you love your work. You are sure about that. But why do you still feel burned out? Here are some of the possible reasons:

Your emotional needs are not being met.

They say you don’t intertwine work with your personal life. But that’s not just so easy to do and mostly impossible. In fact, one study found that the mismatch between a person’s unconscious needs and the demands of their work. People with unmet emotional needs kind of bring such negativity in the workplace, which makes them more prone to emotional exhaustion.

You never miss an email.

Do you sneak into your work email even beyond work hours? Do you find yourself replying to your boss while you were at a friend’s wedding? A study reported in the Academy of Management journal found that emailing after work hours can promote negative emotion. The researchers from Lehigh University concluded that work emailing is a stressor after work hours, along with a high workload, conflicts with colleagues and deadlines.

You feel out of control.

No matter how dedicated you are with your work, you need to feel that you are in control of your tasks and their outcome. Not being given with an appropriate level of responsibility or lacking the tools and resources to perform your job well can make you feel out of control easily. If you feel like missing this sense of control, consider asking your superior to give you more autonomy or responsibility. If there’s some ambiguity in your role, don’t hesitate to ask what exactly is expected from you.

You lack strong social support.

Having friends at work plays a critical role in preventing burnout. You are a social being. Just like the others, you have the innate need to feel that you belong to a group. You need a sense of community which is characterised by good teamwork. People thrive at work when they are happy and are getting adequate support and recognition from their peers.

You might blame your hectic schedule or unending workload for the burnout that you feel. But the truth is that these three reasons have the most bearing on your performance at work. So learn to address your emotional needs, unplug, and restore your sense of control. You will feel amazingly different after!

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