Pressured? Here’s What You Can Do
Feeling pressured? We all do once in a while. Whether it’s a school exam, a job interview, a business deal, or a more personal one like wedding preparation - in some cases we find ourselves pressured and really stressed out. And really, it isn’t easy to deal with. And many times, feeling pressured leads to poor performance and outcome.
So the next time you find yourself feeling pressured, here are a few tips that may work for you.
Think like ‘it’s no big deal’.
Of course, we feel pressured in some tasks because unlike many others, we find it so important. But sometimes, the more we deem it, the more pressured we become. Think like it’s no big deal instead and you will feel more confident. Instead of focusing your thoughts on the fact that you should do well, focus on your performance and how to do it well. You will be surprised of the result.
Think like you have done it before.
People who do well in pressure moments deal with the situation with confidence, thinking as if they have done it before. This kind of thinking makes you feel more relaxed and less pressured.
Focus on the moment.
It’s too easy to feel pressured when you bombard your mind with so many negative thoughts, like worries. So instead of thinking too much, simply focus your attention to the task at hand - your skills and knowledge. By throwing all your energy and attention to it, you divert your mind to more pressuring thoughts.
Tell yourself you can do it.
Smile. Give yourself a pat on the shoulder. And tell yourself how great you are. Being your own best supporter is scientifically proven to promote self-confidence and self-efficacy. A study by Stanford University found that students who focus on the positive aspects of their lives had 30 per cent improvement in overall tests scores.
Focus on what you can control.
It may be hard to accept - but some things are really way beyond our control. You can minimise the anxiety that any pressuring moment brings, lessen the stress and save your energy by focusing on things that you can control. So you got a job interview? Don’t worry about your co-applicants. Never mind them. You can’t control the fact that some may have really great credentials. What you can do is to focus your attention to doing well during the interview.
Just do your best.
By focusing on what you can control, you are committing yourself to doing your best. Try not to think about the outcome first. Otherwise, you will feel more pressured. Believe in yourself. Think that you are capable of doing great things. Focus on doing your best keeps you in the moment and guides your behavior towards success.