Pets Make You More Social, Study Finds

Lisa Franchi February 04, 2014

Do you find it hard to connect with others? Then you should consider owning a pet. According to a new study, young adults who have a strong connection with a pet also experience social and relationship benefits.

The study, published in the journal Applied Developmental Science, involved more than 500 young adults who were surveyed about their attitudes toward and interaction with animals, as well as their general characteristics such as confidence, caring and depression.

The researchers found that those who owned a pet were also more likely to be involved in their communities and serve in leadership roles. Furthermore, the more attached the person is to the animal, the more empathetic and confident he or she was.

"Our findings suggest that it may not be whether an animal is present in an individual’s life that is most significant but rather the quality of that relationship," said Megan Mueller, Ph.D., the lead author of the study and a developmental psychologist and research assistant professor at the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University, in a statement. “The young adults in the study who had strong attachment to pets reported feeling more connected to their communities and relationships.”

More health benefits

Owning a pet also comes with other amazing health benefits. For instance, a 2011 study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that pet owners had better scores in both well-being outcomes and individual differences. They also had greater self-esteem, and were more physically fit, more extraverted, less lonely, and more conscientious. For people suffering from a chronic disease, having an animal friend has been found to boost the heart’s capability to adapt to any number of circumstances that can affect the body, such as increasing heartbeat during a stressful moment. It may also help lower blood pressure, according to a 2001 study reported in the journal Hypertension.

For you, what’s the best thing about having a pet? Feel free to post your comment below.

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Your Pets Are Actually Improving Your Social Life