Men May Be More Prone to Depression, New Research Says

Sharon Moore June 30, 2016

It has long been held that women are more likely to suffer from depression than men. However, new research from University of Michigan indicates that men might be more vulnerable to depression caused by stressful events such as marriage, divorce, separation, marital reconciliation, personal injury or illness, dismissal from work or retirement. 

Men are also more likely to have depressive episodes following work difficulties, divorce and separation.

Women, on the other hand, may be more sensitive to conflict, serious illness or death happening in their close social network. Research suggests that stressful events that cause depression among women are related to their close social network, such as romantic and marital relationships, child-rearing and parenting. They tend to ruminate (the technical term for ’overthinking’) more about stressors and have negative thoughts that cause depression. 

In the latest study, researchers looked at data from a nationally representative study that examined how psychological factors affect physical and mental health of individuals over time. They studied the effects of stressful life events men and women reported at the beginning of the study to their rates of depression 25 years later. 

The research found that each life stressor on the risk of clinical depression was 50 per cent stronger for men than women. 

Furthermore, men may also be vulnerable to the effects of stress because they may perceive depression as a weakness, according to the new research. They may also consider talking about emotion and seeking help for an emotional problem, such as depression, as a weakness. 

The study also partly explains why suicide rates are higher in men than in women. Researchers say gender influences one’s risk of depression through various ways. It determines the risk of exposure to adversity and determine what resources an individual can access to cope with stress or depression. 

Source of this article: 

Why is stress more likely to cause depression in men than women? While hormones do play a role, social factors are to blame

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