Mastering the Art of Persistence: 5 Strategies that Work
We all have goals. But not every one of us succeeds at achieving them. Whether it’s starting a business, losing weight, or learning a new tool - too often, we don’t accomplish our goals due to lack of this very important value: persistence.
Many people give up too soon on their dreams. Some simply choose to dream, not doing anything to make it a reality because they are too afraid that they might fail. Some start with a bunch of optimism without feeling mentally prepared for the obstacles about to come their way. Whatever the situation is - it is evident that there is lack of persistence.
Below are ways to improve our persistence. Mastering each empowers you and make you less likely to quit again.
Create a vision outside yourself.
Achieving your goal starts with one small step. And it’s creating a vision and purpose that is greater than yourself. Otherwise, you will be easily knocked down when you encountered a difficulty. Your purpose is going to give you inspiration and motivation especially during times of trials.
Develop a ‘growth’ mindset.
According to Carol Dweck, author of the Book Mindset, research shows that individuals have two mindsets - one that is focused on growth and one that is fixed. People with growth mindsets thrive on challenges to achieve success while others are focused on thinking that they were born with whatever talents they have, and there’s not much they can do to change them. Believing that you can improve and grow, through constant learning and experience, makes you one step closer to achieving your goals.
Know your priorities.
Successful people know their priorities and plan their daily activities towards their end goal. Learn the difference between ‘urgent’ and ‘important’ tasks and prioritise those that have greater impact on your goals. You can’t do everything at the same time. You’ve got to delegate time for each one.
Don’t be afraid to take risks.
Many people don’t pursue their goals because they are afraid to take risks and lose whatever they have. But sacrifices and risks are inevitable. Take for instance, a business venture. Basically, you need fund to start with. You may be afraid that you might lose all your savings for nothing. And it’s normal to feel afraid. The key now is to find ways to lower the risks, such as getting investors, mastering the craft so you’ll have a product or service that sells, or starting small.
Done hesitate to seek help.
Successful people have a ‘support team’ to keep them motivated and persistent. They have mentors, coaches, and advisors who constantly give them support and inspiration. You are surely going to learn from others, particularly those who have many years of experience in the craft/industry you want to master. Don’t hesitate to ask help. Once you become a ‘master’, for sure, you would be more than happy to share your learning too.
What’s the goal you are trying to achieve all this time? Which one of these strategies are you going to do first? Share your comment below.
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